The Wedding - Spock

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a/n: set in corporate AU. 

You slammed the phone on your desk back into its cradle. The asshole you'd had an off and on relationship with for the past year decided to break things off for good. A week before your sister's wedding. Now what were you going to do? If you showed up without a date, you'd never hear the end of it from your family. 

Voices in the hall outside your door drew your attention and you looked up to see your boss Jim Kirk walking by with the corporate attorney, Spock. Both men gave you a smile and a nod of their head as they saw you glance at them. Your eyes lingered on Spock, wondering what he was doing next Friday night. 

Later that afternoon, you were heading to Kirk's office when you spotted him and Spock in one of the conference rooms, papers spread across the table in front of them. You backed up to the door and leaned on the frame. "You two have had your heads together all day. Something I can help with?" you asked.

Kirk looked up in surprise before smiling while Spock merely glanced in your direction before turning back to the paper in his hand. "We're trying to make sure everything is line for the acquisition of those 120 acres. I don't want any surprises." He paused for a moment. "Do you think you and Uhura could take a look at those environmental reports one more time?"

You smiled. "I already did. I was on my way to bring them to your office when I saw you in here." You handed him the thick bundle of papers. "Everything looks good. We've got those 10 acres that will need to be set aside but you already knew about that."

He nodded and smiled at you again. "Perfect. Thank you Y/N, I don't know what we'd do without you always being one step ahead."

Spock arched a brow. "I suppose we'd always be a step behind then."

Your lips twitched. For the most part Spock was very straight-laced and serious but occasionally he let another side peek through, always to your amusement. "Actually I had a favor to ask of you, Spock."

A look of surprise flashed briefly over his face before he nodded for you to continue.

"My sister is getting married next Friday. I've already told my entire family I'm bringing a date only to have him cancel on me. I was hoping you'd accompany me." You did your best to act like his answer didn't matter to you one way or another. And it shouldn't, you had other people you could ask, but you wanted to go with Spock.

"I'm available next Friday," Kirk said with a smirk. 

You huffed a laugh. "No thank you, Jim. We tried that once if you remember. I don't care to repeat the experience. Besides, my brother hates you."

He frowned. "Hate's a strong word."

"You hit on his wife while you were on a date with me. He hates you."

"I would be pleased to accompany you," Spock said interrupting the two of you. "And I consider it an honor, not a favor."

Your cheeks heated and you glanced at the floor before looking back at him. "The venue is not far from here and I need to be there at six so I was just going to get ready and leave from here if that's okay."

He nodded. "I will do the same. We can take my car and I'll bring you back to yours later."

"Sounds perfect." You gave him one more warm smile before returning to your office. 


It was a week later and you were in your office getting ready for your sister's wedding. You were one of the bridesmaids and while you'd had the dress on before for fittings, it still blew your mind every time you slipped it on. You and your sister were complete opposites when it came to fashion. You preferred pant suits and jeans while she wore designer dresses. That difference had never been more apparent than with this dress. At least it was more comfortable than it looked. 

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