The Lady said No - Spock

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Warning: sex talk and bad words. oh noes. 

Your shift had just ended and you were currently sat across the table from Capt. James T Kirk eating your dinner. Your penchant for finding trouble and diving in headfirst had assured you a great friendship with your captain. By extension you were friends with Scotty and Bones as well. 

Spock on the other hand barely tolerated you on the best days. As head security officer, he felt you should be keeping the captain out of trouble instead of encouraging his reckless behavior. To be honest, he was probably right but you knew Jim would find trouble whether you helped him or not. At least this way you were normally right by his side where you could offer him protection.

You were laughing at a story Jim had just told about his days at the academy as Bones and Scotty joined you. "Hello, boys," you said.

"Y/N," they both greeted. 

"What's so funny?" Bones asked with an arched brow.

"Jim was just telling me about an incident with you, him, two girls and bottle of tequila on top of the library," you managed to get out with a straight face.

Bones rolled his eyes and his cheeks flushed. "You're still telling that story?" he grumbled to his best friend.

Jim merely laughed in response.

Your gaze fell on Spock approaching behind the captain. You groaned, making the others look.

"Spock," Jim greeted with a smile. 

"Captain," Spock said, nodding to the others, his eyes stopping only briefly on you. "I have just received word that a delegation from Starfleet command will be boarding tomorrow."

"Why?" Jim asked.

"Excuse me?"

"What is their reason for coming aboard my ship?" Kirk clarified.

"The stated purpose for their visit is listed simply as a diplomatic training mission," the Vulcan said. 

"Inspection," you and the other officers said in unison. 

"Are we ready for it?" Jim asked, looking around the table.

"Medical's good. We just did inventory this week so everything's where it should be," Bones said.

"I'll run through engineering just to make sure there's nothing lying about but we should be good too," Scotty said next.

"As always, the science department is in order, Captain," Spock added.

"Security's good to go," you stated.

"Are you certain, Lieutenant Y/L/N? It is imperative all departments be in top order," Spock said. 

You blinked at him several times. "Are you certain the science department is in order, Commander Spock? It is imperative all departments are in top order."

"I have ascertained by your response that you were insulted by my inquiry. That was not my intention, Lieutenant. Your disregard for regulations is well-known, however. And while that is for some reason tolerated by our captain, Starfleet will not be so lax in their requirements," Spock explained with a neutral expression.  

Irritation flooded through you and you briefly considered telling him off. "Now, Spock don't be so complimentary. You'll make me blush." Nothing annoyed Spock more than you not taking him seriously.

His lips pinched together but he didn't respond. 

"While I appreciate you looking out for the ship, Spock, you could eat off the floor in the security areas. Y/N runs a tight crew," Jim said. You gave him a smile and a nod of thanks.

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