Sparks - Scotty

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A/N: This one is not a reader insert though feel free to substitute your name at the proper moments. 


It didn't take Nicole Sparks long to decide she didn't care for Captain James T. Kirk. He'd been captain for about five minutes before he started wreaking havoc on her ship. Currently, she was pulling herself along the lines at the top of the room to get from one side of engineering to the other as quickly as possible. Harnesses and ropes were draped all over the department as well as various other strategic locales through out the ship. She liked to work fast and efficiently. Ladders were neither. 

Christopher Pike, the Enterprise's rightful captain, had long ago left Sparks to her own devices when it came to her ship. Or to her personal appearance for that matter. Her dark hair bore bright blue streaks and was usually pulled into pigtails. It certainly wasn't regulation, but the last time Pike made her change it, the ship hadn't run right for a week. She swore it wasn't her doing but it had straightened out as soon as the blue was back on her head. 

Sparks was Pike's secret weapon. In her hands, the Enterprise accomplished things no other ship in its class could. All he had to do was ask and she made it happen. But Pike wasn't in charge right now, Kirk was. And he didn't know anything about Nicole Sparks or what she was capable of. 

In fact, the only reason that she knew anything about what was going on elsewhere was because she kept getting messages from personnel scattered throughout the ship. So, if any one noticed the shields were a little stronger or the weapons a little deadlier, they had no idea who to thank. Not that she minded. Tinkering behind the scenes was what she did best. 

When the Enterprise began to shake and shudder violently, Sparks hurried to a different part of engineering. It only took a glance at the monitors in front of her to realize they weren't moving despite being at full warp. "Damn it."

She unhooked herself from the lead she was on so she dropped fully to the walkway. Reaching over, she pressed a large yellow button and alarms began to sound throughout engineering, warning the workers to vacate. She took a second to hook herself onto the nearby railing before her fingers continued to fly over the control panel in front of her. She was diverting power from everywhere it could possibly be spared. It wasn't going to work.

"Kirk to engineering. Get us out of here, Scotty," came over the intercom.

"Who the hell is Scotty?" she muttered.

Even as she had the thought, a voice with a thick Scottish brogue answered. "You bet your arse, Captain." The man rounded a corner and slid to a stop as he saw her at the control panel.

"Everything is already at max. I've diverted all the power I can," she yelled with a roll of her eyes. The Scot was cute but she'd never seen him before in her life. She wasn't about to let him run willynilly in her ship.

"Who is this?" Kirk asked.

"I'm your damned Chief Engineer. We're caught in the gravitational well," she answered.

"Scotty?" Kirk asked, ignoring her. 

"She's right, Cap'n She's already giving her all she's got."

The ship continued to shake and shimmy. Sparks narrowed her eyes as a crack appeared in one of the walls. 

"All she's got's not good enough. What else you got?" Kirk yelled, his voice heavy with panic.

Sparks pulled up another screen. "Tell them to hold on."

Scotty looked at what she was doing with wide eyes. He grabbed her and kissed her on the cheek. Her face heated without her permission. "Bloody brilliant, lass. Cap'n, we're going to eject the warp core and detonate it. It may push us away, but we canna promise anything."

"Do it, do it, do it," Kirk screamed. 

Sparks grabbed hold of the Scot with one hand and pushed the button with the other. "Hold on, Scot."

He turned them so her back was against the railing and put a hand on either side of her waist to box her in. He pressed against her to keep her pinned and she held onto him with both hands. They were jolted when the core detonated but they managed to stay on their feet. Barely. 

Once the ship had quit trembling, they straightened though Scotty kept her pinned in. He looked down at her and cleared his throat before giving her a little smile. "Montgomery Scott, Lass. Until recently of the Star Fleet outpost on Delta Vega. You can call me Scotty."

She smiled back feeling a little breathless. "Nicole Sparks, Chief Engineer of the USS Enterprise. Call me Sparks or Sparkie. Everyone does."


The Enterprise survived the day and it wasn't long before she was ready to fly again. Kirk requested Scotty be assigned to the Enterprise. Nicole gladly stepped down to be Scotty's second. He could deal with the headaches that came with the paperwork and reports. That was beyond fine with her.

They'd become closer and flirted constantly, but it hadn't moved beyond that. Nicole was still waiting for him to ask her out. Keenser also came on board and got on famously with the female engineer much to Scotty's displeasure. It had taken all of half a day for them to team up against him.

He glanced around engineering as the Enterprise was preparing to launch but saw no sign of either of them. With a sigh, he looked up. Keenser was crouched on one of the overhead beams. Nicole was hanging upside above him as she showed him something on a PADD. 

"Oi," Scotty yelled. "Get down here, you two."

Sparks looked between him and the little alien. In unison they shook their heads. 

"We're good," she said. Keenser nodded once in agreement. 

Scotty ran a hand down his face. "This is going to be a bloody long voyage."


A/N: What do you think? Does this need a part 2??

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