Jealousy - Spock

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A/N: IvyDex1 this is for you! Thank you for being so understanding! Hope you like it. Jealous Spock makes everything better. 

Also, just shy of 2k reads! Thank you all so much. 


You hurried through the halls of the Enterprise. You were late and you despised being late. Not only because you were raised to be fifteen minutes early everywhere you went but because you would have to face the disappointed gaze of your commanding officer. Others would call you crazy to think Spock displayed any emotion, especially over something so small.

But you knew the Vulcan better than most. Or at least you liked to think so. You'd known him since the academy and the two of you had become friends, though that wouldn't be noticeable to most, you supposed. Spock by nature was quiet and reserved. The only outward nod to your friendship was the fact he took the liberty of calling you by your first name and you called him simply Spock. 

Your only saving grace for your tardiness today was that it was Kirk's fault. As usual. You swore the man ordered you to do mundane tasks right before your shift just so Spock would be annoyed when you were late. Fortunately, Spock seemed to be aware of this as well.

Your steps slowed as you rounded the corner and entered the hallway where the science labs were. Spock was meeting you there to demonstrate some tests he wished you to run on samples they'd recently collected. 

"Hey, Y/N," a deep voice drawled your name.

You resisted the urge to roll your eyes before turning to greet your co-worker. Of course, he'd find you when you were already running behind. "Dane. I can't talk right now. I'm late to meet Commander Spock."

He smirked and placed his hand on the wall beside your head to lean into you. "Well, lucky for us, I just saw Spock in deep discussion with Dr. McCoy. So I'd say we've got some time."

You placed your palms on Dane's chest and shook your head. You pushed against him, but he didn't budge. "Seriously, Dane. I've got to go. Whether Spock is there or not, I'm already late for my shift."

"All right," he said, leaning back. "I know how you are about your schedule, but have dinner with me after your shift."

You crossed your arms over your chest and looked over the man in front of you. You had been turning him down for months. He was undoubtedly attractive in a rugged sort of way, and he was nice enough. You just didn't feel that spark around him. That spark you felt with Spock. If you were honest with yourself, you'd admit you had been telling Dane no because you secretly hoped Spock would see you as more than a friend. That just once he'd notice the extra effort you went to when you were sure of seeing him. You sighed. It had been four years. Surely if it was going to happen, it would have happened by now.

You shrugged one shoulder and smiled. "All right, Dane. One dinner."

"Yes." He grinned and did a little fist pump. He grabbed your hand and pressed a small kiss to the back of it. "Until later, my lady."

A throat clearing caught your attention and you jerked your head toward the sound to find Spock looking between the two of you. One brow was lifted and, if you didn't know better, you would have said he was more than a little annoyed. "Forgive the intrusion but I believe we are supposed to be in a meeting right now, are we not, Lieutenant Y/L/N?"

Your cheeks heated and you knew they were a bright red. "Yes, sir. Sorry, sir," you mumbled and hurried to the lab. 


It was an hour past when your shift should have ended when you knocked on Spock's office door. 


You stepped inside careful to keep the irritation you currently felt for the Vulcan off your face. You handed over the results for the experiment you had just performed for the fourth time. Every time with the same results. 

Spock ran his eyes quickly over the numbers on the sheet you handed him then passed it back. "Again," he ordered and turned his attention to the forms on his desk. 

You didn't move from your spot as you continued to simply stare at your friend and commanding officer waiting for him to acknowledge your continued presence. Your entire day had been spent with him barely noticing you existed while you repeated the same stupid experiment over and over again.

"Is there something I can help you with, Lieutenant?" he finally asked without glancing up from his work.

You took a deep breath and dug up the little courage you had when it came to Spock. "No," you said.

He looked up then, arching that irritating brow again. "Then I suggest you return to your work. The more expedient you are, the faster you can get to your date."  The skin around his eyes tightened with the last word.

"I meant, no, I will not do the experiment again."

He simply continued to stare at you.

"This is ridiculous, Spock. You are throwing some kind of tantrum and I won't be part of it."

He rose to his full height then so he was gazing down at you. His tongue moistened his lips. "Would you care to repeat that, Lieutenant?"

You sat the PADD down on his desk with more force than necessary. "I am sorry that I was late this morning, but I have already completed the experiment four times with no change in results. There is no reason for me to perform it again unless you are punishing me. And as for my date that you seem so concerned about, it was dinner. With Dane of all people. It's already been cancelled. And my name is not Lieutenant, as you well know."

A noise came from the lab, reminding you that there were still workers in the outer room. Spock walked over and shut the door. He stood there for a moment before turning back to you. His dark eyes ran over you, studying you. "I was under the impression that you did not harbor romantic feelings for Lieutenant Jones."

"I don't. But he kept asking and no one else was, so l figured why not?" you said with a shrug. 

Spock scowled, the muscle in his jaw twitching with the action. "You were not concerned that your behavior may only encourage the Lieutenant's affections toward you?"

You threw your hands up in exasperation. "Why do you care, Spock? You never even paid a passing interest to who I dated before."

"If you have dated during the period of our friendship, I was not aware of it," he admitted. 

You raked a hand through your hair suddenly feeling very tired. "I'm going to go, Spock. We can start over tomorrow, okay?"

"No, Y/N. I don't think that is acceptable." His hands were behind his back as he closed the distance between the two of you. Your brow furrowed as you waited for him to explain what he meant. "I have recently come to the conclusion that I no longer desire our relationship to carry on in its present state."

"I don't understand--" you started only to be cut off by Spock's lips slamming into yours. His hands came up to frame your face and you leaned into him.

After a moment he pulled away and took a step back as he cleared his throat. "I apologize. That was inappropriate."

This time you were the one that initiated the kiss. Your fingers wove their way into his hair, holding him to you. You smiled against his lips when his body relaxed and his arms wrapped around you. 

As you took a break to breathe, Spock said, "Might I deduce from your reaction that my feelings are reciprocated?"

You arched a brow in a mirror of his usual expression. "Spock, I have been in love with you since the academy. For a being of superior intelligence, it certainly took you long enough to catch on."

"Yes, well I am part human," he said before his lips found yours once more.

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