Undercover - Spock and Kirk

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You double checked the contents of your pack. The Enterprise was orbiting a leisure class planet and everyone was getting a rotation of shore leave. You were in A group and it was almost time to beam down to the planet. 

Unlike most of your co-workers, your time on the planet wasn't entirely your own. You had a mission to complete. While you were technically a part of the security team, you actually worked directly for Star Fleet. Your specialty was assassinations though you'd done everything from organizing coups to stealing priceless artifacts. 

Reassured that you had everything you needed for this assignment, you grabbed your bag and headed for the transporter room. You stepped up on the platform as you waited for others in your group to arrive. You stood straighter as several of the bridge crew walked into the room, including Spock and Kirk.

Jim ran his eyes over you as he saw you. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. Due to the nature of your assignment, you were wearing tight black leather pants and a black top with cutouts that hung lopsided on your shoulders. Rhinestones enhanced the design on it. You'd also put up your hair and done your makeup, neither of which you usually bothered with. 

"Well, hello y/n," Kirk said with a smirk. "You look...different."

You arch a brow at the back of his head as he takes the spot in front of you. "Captain, Commander," you said by way of greeting the two men. 

Spock nodded his head once in acknowledgement. "Lieutenant Y/L/N."

Once you were on the surface, Kirk had tried to get you to accompany them to wherever they were heading, but you expertly extricated yourself. Your target was too important. Genis Hardover was a serial killer. As he hopped from planet to planet, he was near impossible to track and find. Intel put him on this leisure planet. He had been tried for several of the murders in his absence and you were to carry out the sentence. 

Nightclubs were Hardover's preferred hunting grounds and you had narrowed the options down to two. You headed to the most likely of the choices and settled yourself at a seat at the bar. The mirror reflected most of the club behind you so you could observe without appearing to do so. 

You'd been at the club for hours and had nearly given up when you saw him. Your target just walked into the bar accompanied by none other than Kirk and Spock. Fantastic. You clenched your teeth and the muscle in your jaw twitched. He'd picked at least one of your crew mates as his next target. 

You kept your gaze locked on him in the mirror as you debated what to do. Luck was with you as he approached the bar and happened to stand right beside you. You listened as he ordered drinks for the table. "That's a lot of drinks for one man," you said. You smiled and gazed at him through your eyelashes. 

He leaned on the bar and flashed you smile. "Here with some friends. Where are your friends, pretty lady?"

You shrug. "I was supposed to meet them but I think I may have gotten the wrong place."

His eyes ran over you from head to toe as the bartender returned with his drinks. "Well, why don't you join us?"

"That would be grand." You smiled and jumped up from your seat. "Let me get another drink."

You ordered a drink and turned toward the door as if watching for your friends. You kept an eye on your target in the mirror and grimaced when you saw him discretely drop something into the glasses. You turned when the bartender brought your drink back and grinned at him. "Let's go."

As you approached the table, Kirk was the first to see you. He frowned and glanced between you and Hardover. "My friends!" you exclaimed. You glanced at the killer beside you. "You found my friends. How did you do that?" 

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