Married? - Spock

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A/N: I combined a couple of requests from tumblr and AO3


Bones hurried beside you as they rushed you to the medbay. The two of you had been on an away mission when you'd recklessly thrown yourself between him and a large beast with sharp claws and too many teeth. You'd managed to kill the thing but not before it took a good swipe at your chest. Bones had done his best to stop the bleeding with what he had on hand but he needed the equipment in the medbay to see to you properly.

As soon as you passed through the doors, he began barking orders and started trying to seal the deep wounds while also attempting to keep you infection free. Who knew what that creature had on its claws? "Give her the whole range of antibiotics," he told one of the nurses. "There's too big of a risk for infection."

"Where is she?" a familiar voice bellowed and Bones frowned at M'Benga as they both worked on you.

The other doctor voiced his thoughts. "That sounds like Spock, but it can't be. Not yelling like that."

Before Leonard could agree with him, the voice came again. "Where is Y/N?"

"You got this?" Bones asked as the bleeding had all but stopped. All that remained was sealing up the wounds and making certain you weren't in pain.

M'Benga nodded and McCoy stepped out of the room to find that it was indeed the Vulcan pitching a fit in the middle of his medbay. Bones took him by the arm and steered him to a chair. "Spock. What is the matter of you? Sit down."

"Where is she, doctor? Where is my wife?"

He furrowed his brow, now concerned for both of his friends. He pulled out his penlight to check Spock's eyes. "You do realize that the two of you aren't actually married, don't you? You were only posing as husband and wife for the mission."

"I beg your pardon, doctor, but you are mistaken." He shoved Bones hand aside so the light would quit shining in his face. "If you will check her records, you will see that I am listed as both her spouse and her emergency contact. Now, for the last time, where is my wife?"

It was rare for Bones to see Spock angry, but at the moment he was furious. And he obviously believed everything he was saying. Bones glanced around looking for a PADD. Even as he grabbed one, he held his other hand up in front of Spock. "She'll be okay, Spock. M'Benga's making sure all the bleeding has stopped and we treated her to prevent infection. Just calm down. She's sedated at the moment anyway."

Bones quickly pulled up your file and his brows lifted in surprise as he saw that it did indeed list Spock as your husband. When the hell had that happened? And why had Kirk told you two to pretend to be married for the mission?

Kirk came through the door but a moment later and patted Spock on the shoulder. "She'll be okay. She's tough."

"Or course, Captain." Spock sounded much more agreeable than he had earlier but a muscle ticked in his jaw.

"Jim, can I have a word?" Bones asked even as he pulled the captain across the medbay and into his office. He pointed at his PADD. "When the devil did this happen?"

Kirk shrugged. "Not sure actually. They were married before she joined the crew. I thought you knew."

"Literally no one knows, Jim. Trust me on this. Why did you tell them to pretend to be married for the mission then?"

"I didn't. I told Spock he better introduce her as his wife. It seemed the smart thing to do given their opinion on unmarried females."

Leonard felt a sharp pain settle somewhere near his temple and closed his eyes. He ran a hand down his face and sighed. "I'm going to go check on the Mrs. You should check on Spock."

Bones stopped before he walked into your room and observed through the glass. M'Benga and the nurses were gone and in their place was a much calmer Vulcan. Spock held your hand in his and brushed your hair back from your forehead.

"They're so cute together," one of the nurses said as she came to stand beside him.

Bones gave her a quick glance. "Yeah. Cute."

"Did you really not know they were married, Dr. McCoy? I thought everyone knew."

He closed his eyes and counted to five before stepping into the room. Spock glanced up then turned his attention back to you. "She'll wake in a bit, Spock. It's better to let her come out of it naturally."

"Yes. Thank you, Doctor. I apologize for my earlier outburst."

"It's fine, Spock, and understandable given the circumstances. I'm sorry I wasn't aware the two of you were married."

"It is quite all right. I don't believe we have had occasion to discuss the matter though I believed it to be obvious."

"You owe me a ring, Spock," your voice was weak and McCoy was by your side in an instant.

Spock stood and held a cup for you to take a drink from.

Bones checked your wounds to make sure everything looked okay. "How you feeling, sweetheart?"

You nodded and pushed yourself up so you were sitting in the bed. "I'm okay, Len. Not feeling much of anything at the moment." You tugged on Spock's hand and turned your attention to him. "I told you the next time someone was surprised we were married and you said it was obvious, you had to buy me a wedding ring."

He kissed the back of your hand. "As you wish, ashayam."

"So, I'm not the only one that didn't know?" Bones asked, slightly relieved.

You gave a little laugh. "Of course not. I think he finds it amusing when people are surprised. I don't know why. It's not as if Vulcan's are prone to public displays."

"I am being very affectionate at the moment, wife."

You waved him off. "That's only because I scared you."

Spock pressed his forehead to yours. "I will gladly kiss you soundly in the middle of the bridge on a daily basis if you promise not to scare me like that ever again."

"Now that I would very much like to see," you teased and as your husband closed the small distance between your lips, Bones backed out of the room. There were some things he was quite happy not witnessing.

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