Rescue Me - Scotty (Part 2)

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"Has anyone seen, Lieutenant (y/l/n)?" Scotty asked the next morning in engineering. Everyone shook their head or answered in the negative. You were late to your shift and you were never late. Not without informing him of the reason. He'd already attempted to reach you twice by communicator and called the med bay. This wasn't like you at all. He linked his hands together on top of his head and blew out his breath.

"Lieutenant Commander Scott." Scotty turned at the sound of Spock's inflectionless voice.

"Spock," he said with a sigh, "what can I do for you?"

"I have been directed to inform you of Lieutenant (y/l/n)'s location."

"Well, where is she, man?" Scotty all but shouted when Spock did not continue.

Spock arched one eyebrow and linked his hands behind his back. "Lieutenant (y/l/n) spent the evening in Dr. McCoy's quarters and is currently still located there. She will not be reporting for duty until further notice."

Pain jolted through Scotty followed closely by anger. His face heated and his muscles grew tight. How dare he? Some friend that grumpy bastard turned out to be. His hands fisted at his sides. By the time Scotty decided to hunt down McCoy, Spock was long gone.

As you were his second in command, Scotty put the next highest ranking officer in charge and headed to the med bay. Once he arrived, he was informed that McCoy had called in and would not be working that day. "I bet he did," he growled under his breath, earning a worried look from the nurse that had delivered the news.

He briefly debated returning to engineering, but instead turned the other way to go to McCoy's quarters. He pounded on the door once he arrived. "Open the door, ye bloody bastard!"

The door opened to reveal McCoy, his brows drawn together as he frowned at Scotty. "Scotty? What the hell?"

Scotty put two fingers on McCoy's chest and pushed him into the room. "Spock told me what ye did. Some friend you are," he hissed as his eyes darted around the room looking for you.

"Hold up, Scotty." McCoy put his hands up in a placating gesture. "What exactly did Spock say?"

"He told me (y/n) spent the night here and that she was still with ye."

He pinched the bridge of his nose. "Pointy-eared bastard. Just calm down, Scotty. It's not what it looks like. (y/n), darlin', could you come out here for a minute?"

After a moment, you emerged from the bedroom, and Scotty's heart broke at the sight before him.


Your eyes widened as you saw Scotty with Bones. Your eyes darted between both friends before settling on the grumpy doctor. "I told you I didn't want him to see me like this." Tears welled in your eyes and you dropped your head forward.

After a moment, shoes appeared in your line of vision. "Lassie?" Scotty's voice was soft and low as if he was trying not to startle you. When you didn't respond, he grasped your hands in his own. "Look at me, Lass."

Finally, you looked up and a hot tear rolled down your cheek. His eyes were sad as he studied you, taking in your visible injuries.

"What happened?"

You sucked in a deep breath, trying to find courage from it. "Daniel."

As it had been the night before, the one word was enough. The sadness in his eyes was quickly replaced by anger. His face flushed and his jaw grew tight. He started to pull away from you to go to the door and you grasped his hands tighter. "Please, Scotty. It's fine. Jim has him locked in the brig and is going to put him off at the next star port."

A quick glance around the room told you that Bones had left the two of you alone. You dragged the engineer toward the couch and took a seat. He settled himself beside you. There was silence for a long time before he broke it. "Why didn't you want me to know? I thought we were friends."

Your brows shot up into your hairline. "That wasn't about you, Scotty. It's just so humiliating. I'm so embarrassed that I let this happen." You dropped your head again and tangled your fingers together in your lap.

"Hey. Hey," Scotty protested and laid a rough hand along your jaw, using it to lift your head to look at him. "You've got nothing to be embarrassed about, lass. You're one of the strongest, most caring people I know."

You met his gaze for a long moment, laying your own hand on top of his. You didn't miss the way his eyes darted down to your lips and back up. Your heart skipped a beat in your chest. The truth was, you'd been crushing on your boss almost from the moment you met him. You leaned forward and he mirrored the movement. The corner of your mouth curled into a smile.

"Hey, Scotty?"

"Aye, Lassie?"

"Kiss me already, would you?"

"Aye." His lips met yours, softly at first, and your eyes drifted shut. You moved your hand to the side of his face and deepened the kiss. After a long moment, he pulled back to rest his forehead against yours. "About bloody time."


It was another three weeks before the Enterprise docked at a spaceport. You and Scotty stood to one side of the docking area waiting for them to bring Daniel out.

Scotty shifted on his feet beside you. "Are you sure about this, lass? There's no reason to see him if you don't want to."

You leaned against his side. "We've been over this. It'll be closure."

He wrapped an arm around you and kissed the top of your head. "I just don't want him to upset you."

"He doesn't have the power to do that anymore, Mr. Scott. Not with you here." You tilted your head so you could see his face and smiled as it flushed red. Noise drew your attention back to the ship. Daniel stumbled out between two security officers. He glanced at you with narrowed eyes before his gaze darted to take in Scotty beside you. His head immediately dropped forward so he was staring at the ground again.

But not before you saw the cuts and bruises on his face. You blinked a couple of times before turning to look at your boyfriend with wide eyes. "How do you suppose he got injured?" you asked.

Scotty blushed again and gave a little shrug. "Don't know, lass. Maybe he fell."

You placed a hand on your hip. "Montgomery Scott."

"All right but it wasn't just me. Kirk was there, too."

Your lips twitched as you fought a smile. You knew you shouldn't be finding this much amusement in this but you couldn't help it. "And Leonard?"

Scotty muttered something you couldn't quite catch. 

"What was that?" 

"I said he might not have had the most tender hand seeing to Daniel's injuries after the fact."

Finally, you gave into the urge to grin and looped your arm with Scotty's. "It's a good thing I love you, Mr. Scott."

"I love you too, lass," he said, covering your hand with his own before you both walked away to find the captain and his grumpy best friend.

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