Things I Hate About You - Spock

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A/N: Inspired by the poem from the movie Ten Things I Hate About You. 

For JashinWillPunishYou

It's a little different, but I hope you like it!


I hate the way you think you know everything and how arrogant you are

It had all started with the Kobayashi Maru.

That stupid test. Most people just took it and failed. That's the way it was designed. The unwinnable scenario. But not your best friend, James Kirk. Oh no, he couldn't possibly lose at something. If he'd warned you he was going to cheat maybe you wouldn't have helped him that day. Or maybe you would have. You and Bones had been his crew in all the other attempts. Why should this one be any different?

You were annoyed with Jim for his little trick, there was no question about that. But it was Spock that made you furious. He decided that since you possessed excellent computer skills that you must have been the one to help Jim cheat. Not only that, but when you protested, he insinuated that you had helped Jim so that he would be interested in you. That was the moment you started to hate the Vulcan.

First, he accuses you of cheating, then he accuses you of trying to seduce your best friend. Perhaps the worst part of all of it was that he behaved as if there was no way Jim would be interested in you for any other reason. Not that you wanted Jim's attentions, but it was still insulting.

I hate how superior you act, that's the worst thing by far.

It only got worse from there. The day of Kirk's hearing when you had all been ordered to posts, he stopped you before you could board the Enterprise, insisting on double checking your assignment. 

You could still hear that clipped, annoying voice. "Are you certain you have been assigned to the Enterprise, Cadet Y/L/N? I do not believe that you possess the necessary character for such an assignment."

He may not like your attitude, but you were the top in your class and he knew it. When he punched you up on his PADD and found you were indeed on the Enterprise he'd simply looked you over before allowing you to pass without another word. You should have known better than to think you might actually get an apology.

"Pike requested me. And it's Lieutenant," you grumbled as you brushed by him.

I hate the way you hate my friends and the way you yell my name

Pike was gone. Taken by the enemy. Spock was in command. Almost immediately Jim started yelling at the Vulcan. While you agreed with his argument you didn't agree that yelling at Spock was going to get him anywhere. The man already hated Jim, he was hardly going to change his mind just because Kirk shouted at him. 

You and Bones tried to get Jim to calm down so things could be discussed rationally, but he ignored you both. You had intended to stay out of it, to keep your mouth shut and stay beneath your new captain's notice. But then Spock ordered Jim to be put off the ship and it was you Bones was trying to reason with. 

"You can't just put him off the ship because you don't like what he's saying. Put him in the brig if you want but this is crazy. What are you thinking? Are you even thinking? For a Vulcan you aren't being very--"

"Lieutenant Y/L/N!" he shouted, stopping your rant.

"What?" you yelled back.

"Unless you would care to join him, I suggest you desist."

Bone wrapped an arm around you and covered your mouth with his hand. "She's fine. Not another word."

I hate you so much it makes me ill and drives me near insane

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