Trouble - Capt. James T Kirk

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A/N: This is super long. Sorry. Or maybe that's a good thing. I don't know. Enjoy!

You stood in the middle of a large clearing, constantly turning, your eyes surveying everything. The away mission you were currently on was a simple grab and go, as you liked to call it. In other words, a mission where samples were collected and you went back to the ship. Scanners showed only flora and lower lifeforms so there should be little to worry about. 

Should being the key word. For some reason your Captain, Jim Kirk, decided to come on this mission and that meant trouble. You didn't want to say your captain attracted bad luck like metal to a magnet, but...well, maybe it would be better if you didn't say anything at all. 

Your eyes fell on the man in question. He walked through the field obviously deep in thought. His hands were behind his back as he strolled slowly along. As much as you hated to admit it, he was gorgeous to look at, especially those piercing blue eyes. The problem was, he knew it and was used to it making things easier for him. Especially with the ladies. Because of that, you had shoved the feelings you had for him way down. He had a lot of other women to choose from. There was no reason he'd pick you.

You frowned at the direction your thoughts had taken and shook your head. You tore your gaze away to find the other two members of your little team. They were easy to locate in their science blues as they gathered flowers and other things. Seeing everyone was all right and doing as they were supposed to, you continued to scan the area for threats. 

All of a sudden you began to feel uneasy, though you couldn't immediately pinpoint why. Then it hit you. It was quiet. The white noise of animals and insects that made up the background of a place like this was gone. The only noise was coming from the four of you. You tightened your grip on your phaser and made a slow circle. 

Once you'd turned completely around, you froze in shock at what had been forming behind you. A mass of black clouds was churning and rolling along the horizon, quickly heading in your direction. Almost constant lightning flashed horizontally through the sky, making the dark clouds more purple than black. Even this monstrosity of a storm was silent. The hair on the back of your neck stood up. "Captain!" you yelled.

You called the Enterprise without waiting to see if the captain even responded to your shout. "Y/l/n to Enterprise."

"Enterprise here," came Commander Spock's familiar voice.

"Commander, you need to beam us up. Now."

"What is that?" Captain Kirk asked from where he'd come to stand beside you.

"Trouble," you muttered. 

"Lass, it's Scotty," the engineer said over the comm. "We can't get a lock on you. There's too much interference. Can you move?"

You started to back away as the storm started to roll more quickly in your direction. "No. It's an electrical storm."

"That's not good, lass. You'll lose comms, too. Get somewhere s--" He was cutoff before he could finish his sentence.

"Let's go," you yelled to the science team. It appeared they had packed up when you first yelled at the captain. At least they were smart. "We're heading there," you told them and pointed toward a dark area on the cliff face not far from where you were. It was a cave you had scoped out earlier. 

You turned to see Captain Kirk still watching the incoming threat with slack-jawed awe. "Captain!"

He nodded to acknowledge he'd heard you, but he didn't move. You sighed and began to run back to him. Just as you did, an eerie howling filled the air. It took a moment for you to realize it was the wind. Your eyes widened as the trees began to bow in front of the oncoming storm. "Captain," you yelled again. Still, he did not move, mesmerized by the coming destruction. 

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