Tango - Spock

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A/N: This one was a request from @MateaPejic hope it's what you were looking for. Sorry if Spock's a little OOC. It was necessary to fit the request. Requests are open.

"Starfleet is sending us on a diplomatic mission to this planet," Commander Spock's voice filled the small room where the officers and bridge crew were meeting. An image popped up showing the small planet and some information about it. You looked on with everyone else but weren't really paying much attention. It was only on the very rare occasion that you went on away missions.

"The inhabitants of the planet call themselves Bomians. They are humanoid in nature with some obvious differences," he continued. Another picture replaced the first showing a group of short people with blue skin and scales covering bald heads.

"The Bomians have a specific ritual they use when meeting new tribes for the first time. We will be expected to learn and participate in the ritual," Uhura added.

"How detailed is this ritual?" Kirk asked. "We arrive in 32 hours. They won't give us any leniency for not living on their planet?"

"We must copy their rituals exactly," Spock responded with a raised brow. "To do otherwise would be seen as an insult."

Kirk ran a hand down his face causing you to smirk. "Fine. Fine. What does this ritual consist of?"

"Federation sent a holovid," Uhura said and pushed a couple of buttons to pull up the footage in question.

Your eyes darted around the scene in front of you, taking in what you could out of curiosity. You'd always been interested in other cultures. At first there was an exchange of greetings and handshakes. Once that was finished, the resident tribe took seats and watched as two representatives from the visiting tribe began an elaborate dance. You leaned forward as you took in every move.

"What is this?" Kirk asked.

"It is a traditional dance of their people. Each tribe performs it slightly differently so it need not be exact, but it must be close," Uhura explained.

"It looks like the Tango," you said almost to yourself.

"Correct, Lieutenant Y/L/N. There are many similarities. That is why you have been selected to lead the away team and prepare them for this mission," Spock said.

You looked up in surprise and your wide eyes darted between him and your captain.

"Y/N?" Kirk questioned. "Why her?"

"According to Starfleet records, Lieutenant Y/L/N has several years of training and experience in ballroom dancing," Spock answered.

Kirk's gaze shot back to you, his eyebrows coming to rest somewhere in his hairline. You leaned back in your seat with a sigh. "Well, Captain. Care to dance?"


This was going miserably. Kirk was willing to learn, eager even, but it was quickly becoming apparent to you that he lacked the ability. It wasn't surprising. This kind of dancing wasn't for everyone. The away team was gathered on the observation deck. Spock, Uhura and McCoy sat to the side watching. You stopped the dance again. "Let's take a break," you said and walked over to the table to get your water.

"So what happens if they don't like our dance?" you asked the rest of the team.

"We don't get the formula for that medicine," McCoy said, sounding cross. The mission was an exchanging of medical information. You were giving them the ingredients and formula for a common pain killer and they were giving you the formula to make the cure for a form of space flu. It was uncommon but nearly always fatal.

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