How Did You Get Here?

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Reader, be Karkat.
You are now Karkat.

You don't know half of what's fucking going on, but you know you hate it. It is bound to mess up your damn plans, right?!

You watch as Nepeta hisses at Sollux and you look over at Equius who is trying to leave the room.

"Oh no you don't." You say and grab his shirt and pull him in front of Nepeta.

"Why do we have to do this now?!" Nepeta complains. "I was enjoying peace and quiet. I don't want.... I dont want to talk to you." She looks at Equius with a hurt expression.

"Why are you so upset?" Equius asks her.

"Because we are Moirails, Equius! We are supposed to help each other! You could have asked for my advice or help, and then you wouldn't be scandalously making out with Aradia in front of everyone!" Nepeta clutches on to the fabric of her jacket. "I feel left out..."

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. I dont know what came over me. It was like one moment I liked and and another moment I absolutely loved her." Equius scratches his head and sweats. "It was a surprise to me as it was to you.."

How the fuck does that fucking happen. You contemplate on how someone can be so infuriatingly stupid. 'Came over him'?! Like, what, just 'OH WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT! I GUESS MY BULGE JUST, YA'KNOW, SPRUNG OUT! AND THEN I STARTED KISSING HER!'

You clench your fists tight. Equius, what the hell? I mean, it doesn't really effect me. But it sure does gross us out and makes the stupid roleplaying cat upset.

Sollux looks at you and cocks an eyebrow. "Yo, man. You good? You look like you are about to unlea2h havoc on u2, dude."

"I'm.. fine." you seeth through your teeth.

"Wow, i2n't that a rare sight to 2ee! You, actually choking down your word2! Normally I would expect you to voice out your opinion2 in a loud and obnoxiou2 way-"

"FUCKING HELL, EQUIUS" you yell at him.

"Oh there he goe2" sollux sings.

You begin to unleash the fury of a thousand green suns on that sweaty guy. You insult every possible aspect of him, and almost break your voice box while at it. Normally you don't stick up for people like this, but this is an exception given that you haven't had sleep in a loong time.


Reader, be Kanaya.
You fail to be Kanaya because Kanaya is busy right now. What could she be doing? You decide to watch what happens next as you read the rest of this chapter in Third Person instead of Second Person.


Kanaya reaches the Alchemy room and is shocked to see Rose standing in front of her. She is wearing her Seer of Light gown and hood. She made it to God Teirs?!

"Rose, what are you doing here?" Kanaya asks her.

"I just thought I would stop by and see this magical room myself." Rose smirks. "Dave is going to arrive here shortly too."

Kanaya is beyond surprised. She walks up to Rose and holds her arms, looking over her, checking if she was real.

"Now that I think about it, you have been always the one who has been seeing me. I've never seen you before." Rose says and looks at Kanaya. "You look alot different that what I expected, but I don't mind at all, really."

"In a way, you seem different in person too, in my perspective." Kanaya says quietly. "You are a little smaller than me."

Rose laughs and lightly hits Kanaya's arm. "Not that much! Probably just an inch or so."

Kanaya laughs also and they stare at eachother for a moment. "You are beautiful.." They both say at the same time. Both of their eyes widen and they blush like crazy. Then Kanaya lifts Rose's chin and their lips meet like a warm embrace, except Kanaya is cold-blooded in a way, given the color of her blood. Besides that, Rose holds onto Kanaya's neck as they kiss passionately.

Suddenly there is a whistle behind them.

"Whoa, ladies, calm down. We just got here." Dave says nonchalantly.

Kanaya and Rose break away from their kiss and akwardly stand in front of Dave.

"Uh, hello Dave-Human." Kanaya says as she scratches her neck.

Dave grunts and leans on his sword. "Ugh. Not that shit again. Anyway, where do we stay? Is there any, like, booshy ass hotel suites I can check in at? Fine dining?"

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