Chain Reaction

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Reader, be Nepeta.
You are now Nepeta

You slowly set down your Drawing Tablet/Computer thingy. Even though Vriska did go really far with her roleplaying, you kind of miss watching her and Terezi battle off. It would be like watching a movie, and then they would go too into it and actually accidentally hurt/kill people.

Terezi still roleplays with you on Trollian occasionally, it is nice that she wouldn't forget to keep up with you. 

Either way, that fanfiction went extremely well! You upgrade from Novice Author to Novel Practitioner!
Your prodigious use of figurative language and great vocabulary made the battle scenes more exciting! Good job, Nepeta!

You smile and cross your arms in approval, but.. You do not pump your fist in the air and roar like a lion..? What has you all down?

Writing all of these fanfictions makes you feel somewhat left out. You can't help but have the imminent loneliness creep up behind you. You put your knees up to your chin and sit curled up.

You remember the way Equius kissed Aradia. You aren't mad anymore, of course. But you remember how much passion they had.. Kind of the similar, desperate and vicious passion they had in the kiss you wrote in the fanfiction you made a long while ago.

The only thing you are oblivious of is all the other couples that started to form because of your fanfiction. After you wrote the Rose x Kanaya fanfic, they both had a thriving love for eachother, so did with Karkat and Dave.

But... you don't know that this is happening....

You aren't even sure if it is your fanfiction that caused Equius and Aradia to make out and fall in love, you only made a little guess that was definitely impossible, right?? 

Oh gosh... But what if Equius's and Aradia's love was caused by my fanfiction?? Because it got serious right after I wrote it!

Your brain is racked with confusion and you need to talk to a friend. Which friend though? Kanaya is always busy with Rose.. For some reason. You guess that Sollux will have to do for now. Your face flushes a little as you start to message him.


ArsenicCatnip began trolling twinArmageddons

AC: Hey, Sollux? I need to talk to you about something.

AC: It has been driving me crazy! So, you know how Equius and Aradia are together now? Well the coincidence is that their sudden intense romance started right after I-... Uh.. Er..


Damnit! You didn't think before you started talking to him! Your ships and your fanfictions are private! How are you going to go about this?


Sollux replied to you!


TA: Right after you what? What coincidence?

AC: oh-uh nothing! I mean.. Er. Have you see any more ship- I mean couples starting to form randomly?

TA: Ro2e and Kanaya definitely have a thing. It i2n't as inten2e as Equiu2 and Aradia, but it is kinda obviou2.

TA: There i2 another one..

TA: But I don't know if I 2hould tell you becau2e I am gue22ing they are trying to be 2omewhat private about it.

AC: Oh...

AC: Well, this is vital information I need to know! Lay it on me! I won't tell anyone.

TA: You want to know 2o you can write your fanfiction, huh.

AC: w-what?! ...How did you know I write fanfiction?

TA: ahahha!

TA: wow.. I wa2 ju2t me22ing with you. 2o you actually write fanfiction about your friend2, huh?

TA: I am kinda worried that I am not 2urprised.

AC: aurggg!

AC: Just, tell me who the other couple is?? I need to know!

TA: It'2 Karkat and, get thi2, Dave.

AC: wow, really? I thought Karkat hates him!

TA: He kinda 2till doe2, but not a2 much. It'2 mo2tly Dave who ha2 the feel2 for him.

TA: I will admit, I am guilty to li2tening into it. I 2houldn't have been 2o no2ey.

AC: Oh, no. It's fine. If anything, I feel bad for being nosey!

AC: But thank you for telling me. I think something has come up and I think I caused it.

TA: Like what?

AC: It might not concern you.. And it isn't something you have to worry about. I just.. Need to stop writing fanfiction.

TA: Alright then.

ArsenicCatnip ceased trolling twinArmageddons


You feel a slight feeling of regret, accompanied by the feeling of excitement. Your ships are real!! This is great!! But.. What if it isn't? What if you just messed up the timeline and this results in a different, bad, outcome in the far future?

You look at your fanfiction files and you frown. What would happen if you deleted them..?

You shake your head. No. You will NOT delete them. That will only be a decision you will make if things really go wrong.

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