Forgiveness and Bravery

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Dave's p.o.v.

Should I have told Rose? Man, I don't really know. Normally she would give me the break-down and go all philosophical and shit. Maybe help me a little bit. But I saw her reaction, and it didn't comfort me at all.

"I.. I think I have feelings for Karkat..." I remember telling her. "It's... It's weird, I know. But you have feelings for Kanaya! So, maybe liking another species isn't so bad? It's... It's just been sudden, and strange for me too."

I remember her nodding her head slowly with her lips pressed. "Well.. Ya I understand where you are coming from- wait. So you really like him?"


Rose tries to stifle a laugh but fails. "Haha! Wow... Damn, Dave! Hahhaa! Wow good one."

"But it is true." I mumbled. I remember feeling like I was being hit with a rock at every laugh that she threw towards me. Then she left me in the hallway and walked back into the Computer Lab.

Now I am here, without any apple juice. Where do I go? Who do I talk to? Damn, I wish John was here. All there is here is me, Rose, and a shit ton of aliens. One of which who I so happen to fall for. I know that I am here for good intentions and heroic reasoning, but this drama is making it worse.

Rose's p.o.v.

I am currently back in the computer lab, sitting next to Kanaya as she shows me the Trollian handles, and the troll's names to those handles.

As she talks to me, my mind wanders off to the uncomfortable situation with Karkat. Then I remember the way I reacted to Dave's confession. Why did I act so dimwittedly?

I remember that after I left Dave and went back into the Computer Lab, I was still reeling back from laughter. Then, after a moment of recollection, I realized that his feelings for Karkat were real. I remember the expression Dave gave me when he said it. It was so... Confused, and also love-strucken.

Right after I laid out my mistake, I rushed back outside the Computer Lab, be Dave was gone. So I decided to find Karkat and tell him how Dave feels. Because it was genuine, and I needed to fix what I had done.

When I find Dave, I want to tell him how sorry I was. 

"Rose.. Are you alright?" Kanaya asks me and I am snapped back to reality.

"Uh, ya.. Sorry." I reply and smile at her. "I was just lost in thought, I guess."

The door then bursts open and a smaller troll is standing in the entry way. The sleeves of her jacket are long, and they fold over her small hands. On her head is two triangle-shaped horns and a blue cap. A blue cat tail is curled around her leg.

Kanaya giggles and taps her finger on my arm. "That is Nepeta"

"Oh ok." I say and look back at the small troll girl.

"Sollux!!" Nepeta sings and pounces on him. Her arms are wrapped around his and he is stiff in shock.

"Oh- uh. Nepeta! Get off of me, will you?" he tries to say politely but there is an uncomfortable strain to his voice as Nepeta's arms tighten around his.

And then she.. Purrs? These trolls sure are strange.

Dave's p.o.v.

I... I need to talk to Karkat. That is really the only option I have.

I stand up and start to navigate the cold hallways. After taking a few wrong turns and getting lost twice, I find his room. I smooth my hair back and knock on the door.

The door unlocks and the door swings open to Karkat, his face looking dimmed.

He slowly looks up at me and his eyes widen a little. Then the color of soft crimson starts to shade over his cheeks.

"Uh- I." We both say and then we stop.

"You first."

"No.. Uh- you first."

"No no no, you go first.. Your's is probably more impor-"


"Fine." I say. I make my hands into fists and take a deep breath. "Karkat.. I can't fucking escape this feeling, so I am just going to lay it down. I.. I like you a shit ton and I don't know why or how that smile makes me float on my feet, but it does. And I don't want to have to convince anyone else but you."

Karkat is stunned a little and his face brightens even more. "I... I want to convince you too.." then he looks up to my gaze and my heart skips a beat by his determined expression. "I don't want to be nervous anymore! I want to.. Be brave, like you! The way you treated me earlier, like I was fucking gold. It made me feel so different, and I don't want it to end!"

A smile spreads across my face and I am filled with so much positivity. I jump on him and hold his arms as he stumbles back, closing the door after us as we are back in his room again. His hands hold my face as our lips meet again, kissing passionately.

He laughs as I kiss him more and more. Damn I love his laugh. Our lips part and I hold his body tightly, my head resting on top of his. I dont ever want to let him go.

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