Listening In

60 1 9

Reader, be Sollux
Hopy shit you are now Sollux.

You are currently sitting on the floor in the computer room, kinda bored. At least the shitty-ass demonic- monster like voices in your head keep you company for these times.

You think that you might want to go have a chat with Kanaya, but you decide not to because Rose has been talking to her for the past hour. Why are they so close all of the sudden?

You are then surprised to see Rose kiss Kanaya's cheek in the middle of their conversation! Another couple? Why didn't Kanaya tell u2 about thi2 relation2hip?

You shrug your shoulders and decide that it isn't worth worrying over.

A door opens and you turn around, seeing Dave enter the computer room. He has a lost expression and the collar of his cape is pushed down a little so that you can see more of his neck. Is he ok? Did he fall over, is that why his cape and shirt are a little messed up?

His hair is also sticking up at odd angles. Knowing about the Striders, normally they take pride in well-kept 'cool' hair, so this comes as a surprise to you.

"Rose." He says as he walks up to her. He says something quiet to her and she nods her head.

"Sorry, Kanaya. I will be back." Rose says to Kanaya and both Dave and her leave the computer room to talk in private.

Everyone doesn't seem to notice Dave and Rose leaving, so you decide to slowly, and casually, walk up to the door after they close it. You put your back up against it and move your head so that your ear is faced toward it, allowing you to listen in their conversation.

"What do you need?" You hear Rose ask Dave.

You are barley able to hear the sigh from Dave. "So.. Uh- you like Kanaya?"

"Well.. Yes I do... Alot, frankly."

"When did you start having those feelings for her?" Dave asks her. Geez, he 2ure i2 being no2ey.

"Uh... Pretty recently, actually. This infatuation wasn't a slow build for some reason. My feelings for her were pretty sudden, which is strange because normally if I really do like someone that much, it would take time." The last sentence Rose spoke was a little more slow and careful. "..what are you getting at, Dave?"

"Well, uh.. It's hard to explain but.. I think I have feelings for Kar-"

"Sollux, what are you doing?" Vriska asks you and you quickly lift your ear away from the door, unable to listen to the rest of Dave's and Rose's conversation.

"Uh- I wa2 ju2t, you know, cooling my2elf up. Thi2 door i2 pretty cold... A-and when I am overheated,.. I-I ju2t, ya'know.. Put my ear on it!" You stumble on your words. Normally when you lie, you do better than this! 2tupid, ..2tupid!

Vriska looks at you with her enticing stare for almost a minute, and looks away. "You are so strange!"

You wait a moment until your friends stop staring at you, and then you press your ear on the door again.

" Phew! -aha.. Good one." You hear Rose sigh and then the door clicks.

You quickly move your head away and stand against the wall, pretending to look at your nails. The door opens and Rose walks into the room, her faced flushed from laughing.

You sneak a peek outside of the computer room before the door closes to see Dave's face bright red and his hand clutching onto his shirt sleeve.

...Dave ha2 feeling2 for Karkat?

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