Missing your face

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Terezi's p.o.v.

I check in so many rooms, calling her name. It felt like searching for Dave all over again, except this time I am looking for Vriska.

I go up stairs and search the hallways for that familiar blueberry smell. Once I walk down the fifth hallway, the settle scent is growing more and more intense.

I start to walk faster down the hallway, and where the smell is at it's strongest, I am standing in front of the waste room door. I draw in a breath and knock on the door.

"Don't come in!" I barely hear Vriska say.

I hesitate. "It's Terezi, are you alright? Or are you just doing your business."

Vriska laughs behind the door. "No.. I'm not."

I turn the handle and open the door to hear Vriska's breathing flow around the small room, giving me an almost clear and emotional image of her like I would with my eyes if I wasn't blind. Vriska is sitting on the closed toilet seat with her back rested against the wall. Her wrist is wrapped up and her eyes are tired and blue. I can smell it so strong like the taste is on my tongue, the hues of blue and red bouncing off of the walls. My heart sinks a little when I hear her. Her heavy sigh sounds so... Defeated. And that sure is saying something.

I feel a little awkward and nervous to approach her. We have so much tension, and I am so used to us verbally (and physically) tormenting each other that it makes me feel strange to comfort her during this time. But... I want to.

It's like the time earlier today when I kissed her wrist. My face is flushing green just thinking about it. I'm having that same feeling like I did, that.. Protecting feeling.

I walk over next to her and reside to a kneeling position beside the foot of the toilet where she is sitting.

Vriska holds her face in her hands and shakes her head. "I don't even know why I am telling you this." She removes one hand away from her face and lets it hang to the floor and she looks at me, head resting in her hand. "I feel terrible.. I- I shouldn't have killed that stupid cow." she mumbles.

I pause for a moment. "Tavros?"

"Mm hmm." She says. Vriska sighs again and I start to smell tears. "As much as I hated him, and how long it took him to finally grow a pair, I shouldn't have killed him."

"What do you mean by 'grow a pair'? A pair of what-"

"No, no." Vriska waves her hand. "Its just a human figure of speech, don't ask, you might get grossed out."

"Oh ok." I press my lips together and hold her hand as my body heats up. "I don't forgive you for what you've done because it was shitty, but I guess I will sympathize you."

Vriska gasps and wipes her tears away, laughing. "Oh wow! Well, that is truly shocking, TZ!"

I laugh and slap her arm. "Don't call me TZ!" I smile at her and then I have a sudden churn in my stomach. Something in me starts to flop over and rise up, and my hands shake a little as we laugh together. Im feeling so nervous... Gosh, I really miss her face for some reason. Her strange horns and pretty long hair.

Normally being blind isn't that much of a bad thing, but right now I really want to see.

Vriska's p.o.v.

I feel a little better now that Terezi somewhat understands where I am coming from. I just hope she won't tell anyone how weak I look right now.

I look down and my face starts to heat up. Her hand is still on mine. I look back up at her and she is facing me, her nose sniffing as if she is searching something.

"...Hey Vriska.." Terezi says. Her voice is low and careful.


She interrupts my sentence by putting her hand next to my face and she snaps her fingers, loud. I am drawn back a bit, staring as her grin widens.

"Oh wow. I'm getting alot better at my ear-sight. My lusus taught me well." Terezi tilts her head and snaps her fingers again. "I'm still better at smelling and tasting though."

"So you can see sounds?"

Terezi squints her eyes and bobs her head. "Ehhh. maybe? I'm not sure. I just make out the objects in a room when the sound is next to a specific item..  or person." She puts both of her hands in front of my face and she starts to blush. "This is gonna be loud."

Before I could protest, she draws her arms back and claps both of her hands in front of my face with such force that there is a gust of wind that blows my hair back. She quickly moves her hands away and 'looks' at my face with an analyzing stare.

Behind her shades, her red eyes widen and her face is covered in green. "Woah..." Her hand reached up to the right side of my face. "Your eye..  It looks a lot different than I imagined. I thought it would be 7 pupils lined up in a row. But its-"

"One large pupil and and six small ones around it, I know.. It isn't my favorite attribute about myself.. Neither is my arm." I look down as she moves her hand away from my face. After a couple if moments, I hear her sniffle.

I look back up to see her lips quivering and her eyes filled with tears. One runs down her cheek. "I-I'm sorry.  Oh gosh! I- I shouldn't have made that 8-ball b-blow up on you.. Then I wouldn't be blind! A-and and here we are.. . you without an arm and m-me without my si-sight..." her head dips down and her back is shaking as she cries heavily.

I stroke her back and wait for her trembling to subside. "It's been done, and all we can do is move on."

"BUT I WANT TO SEE YOU." Terezi's glasses fell off and the red void of her eyes is strained with tears that are falling down her face so quickly now, I can barely keep up. Her eyes are open so wide, they could swallow me whole if she closed them, only to leave behind a running river of tears at the closing gates.

Her hands are clutching my shirt now. And the sound of her sobs bounce around the room, creating a crystal image for her of my face. Her eyes move around me, her mind searching around my features. "I WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE AGAIN. NOT BY SMELL, SOUND, TASTE, OR TEXTURE. I...I WA-nt to.. See you." her body collapses into me like a lifeboat dropping from a ship. Hitting the water quick and fast, and with a clash, our lips connected.

Her hands swam on my face, feeling my cheeks, my hair, my horns. Her nose was beside my nose and her lips were hugging my lips. Hugging and rolling down a hill and my hands where gripping onto her waist so I wouldn't fall.

But I did fall. I fell in love.

Part 1 done.
Continue on for intermission chapters and the start of Part 2

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