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Nepeta's p.o.v.

I sat in the middle of my room, spreading the sugar out on the floor with my paws in a thin blanket. I started to draw with my finger a heart, and an arrow going through it. I stared at it for a while, thinking of human Cupid making other's fall in love with each other. Am I the troll version of Cupid? With my keyboard as the bow and arrow, is that why all of these relationships start popping up because of my fantictions? I wonder what is really making this happen, what the science of it is. Maybe it isn't science at all, maybe it's just magic.

The thought of having magic at my fingertips is entrancing, but also overwhelming. I don't enjoy dwelling on it too much.

A knock comes at my door and I look up. "Who is it?" I inquired.

"It'2 me, 2ollux." Sullox said behind the door. My face automatically burned up and I brushed my fingers through my hair, ready for him to come in and probably insult me or whatever. Man, he is dense.

I stood up. "Come in, it's unlocked." I said back.

The door opened and his head poked through. He closed the door behind him and I got a clearer view of him. Strands of hair were poking out like always, and his glasses were set on his nose just enough where I can see the tops of his lashes.

He motioned for me to sit against the wall and I did so. He sat next to me, his back against the surface and his gaze looking out to my sugar pile. My face burned even more when I followed his gaze to my Cupid heart. I yelped and scurried over to it, moving around the sugar so he wouldn't see it. Then I sat back next to him.

He decided not to talk about it, and resigned to something else. "Hey... Nepeta?"


He scratched the back of his neck. "Do you think that thing2 are 2till going to be normal, even with the human2 around?"

I thought about it for a moment, and giggled. "Of course not, silly. Things are never going to be normal now that we are in their session. We escaped from our Void, that's what Kanaya said, but now that Rose and Dave are here, things are only going to get crazier. We have the potential to have a happy ending, but it's going to take a lot to get there."

There was silence between us, and then Sollux nodded. "Wow, well that wa2 very philo2ophical."

I giggled some more. "Hehe, ya, I guess." I kicked my feet around. "I'm glad that Tavros is back with us, that sure was a surprise."

"Yeah, I don't know if it i2 a u2eful 2urpri2e, but it'2 a fucking intere2ting one for 2ure." Sollux said. He rubbed his knee and shifted closer to me. "Why aren't you out2ide of your room more often?"

"Well, uh... People seem preoccupied with other people so..."

"I'm not preoccupied." Sollux said suddenly.

I laughed. "Haha, yeah- but. I mean in a diff...erent... Way..." I said slowly. I turned to him to see his eyes locked to mine. "Sollux?"

His grip on his knee was tighter. "Nepeta... I- I've been wanting to tell ya 2omething."

"What is it?"

"Well, uh..." He scratched his neck. "It's been something that's been going on for a long time. Maybe over a year now during this trip."

Oh gog, what is it? I pushed my eyebrows together. "Did you get into trouble with Eridan?"

He shook his head. "No, it... It isn't that." He leaned closer, making my face heat up. "I have red feelings for you..."

Internally, my brain was doing a dance. My heart was racing and our lips connected, leaving my body limp. His hand snaked around my neck and I savored every touch me made on me first. I put my hand on his chest and kissed him back. Under my palm, I could feel his heart racing too. This is real, oh my gog, this is real. It isn't Cupid.

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