Our Lost Tokens

33 1 7

Reader, be Vriska.
You are now Vriska.

Since the meteor is past the dream bubble, you don't know what else to do to pass the time. Right now you and Terezi are walking throughout the hallway.

"Vriska... I need to tell you something." She says. Her eyes are blank and looking to the side.

You and her continue to walk down the hall, your pace slow. "Yeah?"

Terezi picked at her fingers. "When we were all visiting our ancestors and exploring their dream bubble, I met Aranea."

"My ancestor? She's cool, huh!" You push Terezi's arm and she giggles.

"Ya she is something alright.. But.." Terezi sighs as if to let loose of whatever she has been holding in. "She told me that she is able to help me regain my sight."

You hold Terezi's hand and squeeze it. Regain her vision? This is great! This means that she will be able to see her surroundings, the gang, and.. She will be able to see you. But, wait.. The meteor passed the dream bubble, did she accept? Or loose her chance? "What did you say?" You ask her and look under her and at her glasses. They are too dense of a color to see if her eyes are back to normal or not.

"I declined." Your heart drops a little when you hear the words come out of her mouth. "As much as I do want my sight back.. There is something in me that likes to be blind. And I have been holding up on my own. I am getting alot better with my other senses, especially my hearing. I am improving alot."

"But didn't you want to see me-" she cuts you off and faces you.

"I have gotten so good at my hearing, Vriska, that I can see almost every feature in your face by just talking to you." her smiles warms you. "My fucked up vision is the only 'cool' thing about me, because it allows me to show off my other senses, being a blind prophecy and all that idiosyncratic jazz."

You both stop in the hallway and you brush her hair aside. She laces her fingers between yours. "If you feel that you made the right decision, then I will stand 8y it. Just know that you have so much more 'cool' things a8out you, okay?"

"Mm hm!" She nods and gives you a peck on the cheek.

You both continue to walk down the hallway and you hear groans and loud, wavery crying. You and Terezi turn the corner and into a room to see Rose, Dave, and Karkat on beds with towels on their heads. Dave and Karkat just look exhausted and mildly sick, while Rose looks like she is pushing through a terrible disease after surviving an infected amputation after a war.

Being the prissy spider bitch you are, you make a wonderfully executed entrance to the situation, staring straight at Kanaya. "What the flipping frog fuck is going on here? Is there an infectious virus I should 8e aware of, or should I 8e sorry for how stupid you all look?"

Terezi shoves her elbow into your side and you wheeze. "Be a little nicer, Vriska."

Kanaya wipes her arm across her forehead and walks up to you, putting her hands on her hips. "They are all recuperating from a hangover, if you will. Karkat and Dave don't have it as bad, it is Rose I am worried about. She drank a detrimental amount of alcohol.. That most likely wasn't properly mixed."

"Karkat.. In a hangover? I have to see it to 8elieve it!" You laugh and you make your way to Karkat's bed. "Hey drunky!"

Karkat groans. "Ugh.. Vriska why are you here."

"Seeing how Vantas is holding up, tell me, how was your 'night out'? Did any funky 8usiness?" You wiggle your eyebrows and stretch the word 'business' out for more cadence.

"I don't wanna talk about it." Karkat rolled over away from you.

Dave looks up at you and wiggles his eyebrows. "We almost did the frick." He mouths and you giggle.

Gamzee's p.o.v.
:'o) honk

I was watching my computer's desktop fade in and out of purple and blue. The colors would splash onto the screen, and slowly hide away and the second rotated to it's original place. Between every third sequence, the purple and blue would flash like strobe lights, and then go back to slow churning.

I frown and drink a little Faygo and pass the bottle to the little Mayor guy. I go to my computer's settings and add brown to the color sequence. I watch as the desktop fades from purple to brown, and then to blue.

No no no, this isn't good. I then add orange. I watch as the colors fade from purple, to brown, brown to blue, and blue to orange. I stare at the interval for about 10 rotations and then I take another swig of Faygo and a handful of slime.

Suddenly, my Trollian messages spring to action and hold a new notification in front of my face. My spirits are instantly lifted and I open the chat.


arsenicCatnip began trolling terminallyCapricious

AC: :3 mewlo Gamzee!

AC: How are you holding up?

TC: doInG moThErfuckIn fInE my fElinE friEnD :o)

AC: hehe that's good!

AC: did you hear anything from Karkat in a while?

TC: n0pE  :o?

TC: I'vE beEn woNderIn hOw mY RagiNg bUddY hAs bEeN doIn.

AC: mwell, he has been going through alot! If you know what I mean (:3

AC: you should message him! I don't know if he will respond right away tho!

AC: bye!! :3

arsenicCatnip ceased trolling terminallyCapricious


I wonder if he will reply. Oh well, if he doesn't right away, then I might have luck later.


terminallyCapricious began trolling carcinoGeneticist

TA: heY my feIsty brOthEr

TA: hoW is it gOin oN foR yA, I hAve beeN woNderin WhatcHya bEeN uP tO.

TA: siNce yOu havNt pAyed mE a vIsiT...

TA: yoU thEre? :o(


I close the message veiwport and I shrug. The white light disappears and it is replaced by a warm orange. My breath hitches when I see the color.

I drink another sip from the faygo and hand it back to the Mayor. I pull my body up lazily, and slump over to my closet. I hesitate before I open it.

Looking down at it's form my throat closes a bit. I slowly sit down on my knees and bring him up to me. In the small closet, holds many of my different clothes. But I always where the same pajama pants whenever I can.

I rest the form's upper half against the wall and stare for a good while. The peanut butter is on my hands now, and I can't look away. I don't hold anything against Vriska, that is for sure. But I can't forget what she has done.

I brush his hair away from his face and touch his horn. He lays limp in front of me. Peanut butter on my hands.. Peanut butter on my.. Hands.. His.. Hands... I hold his cold hand and smile weakly.

"Hey buddy.." I mumble and hot tears form at my eyes as I stare at Tavros's dead body.

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