Terezi x Vriska

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Nepeta, start fanfiction!

On the battleground, Terezi and Vriska both set up their stances. They are both dressed in their roleplaying costumes in their respective characters. Vriska being the malicious Marquise Spinneret Mindfang, and Terezi being her ancestor, Redglare. Unleashing an attack to the opponent takes assiduous planning, and an enduring monologue. They both settle with threatening stares at each other as they arrange their course of action.

As they prowl in the arena, Terezi holds up Senator Lemonsnout's son, and makes a motion with her thumb across her neck. "That will be you, if you don't man up!"

Vriska closes her eyelids and smiles, a deep and darkening laugh rises in her throat. "Oh, Redglare... I have already 'manned up'! My fleet will have you and your plushy detectives revere at my feet! My name will go down in history!"

"It will go down as a name of cowardice and the epitome of disgraceful disrespect to your friends! Why have you become so dark and shrewd? So foul and distasteful!" Terezi rests her arm on the head of her spear and looks at Vriska closely. "Marquise, listen to me. This battle is only a last resort, and what your fate will turn out will be rest assured to luck."

"8oring! Luck is always playing to my favor, remem8er?" Vriska pushes her eyebrows together and grins wider, creating a more baneful atmosphere. The walls of the arena shift and fade from crimson to a dark and looming blue. "And I am not disrespecting my friends. I am showing them how to 8e stronger! Tavros has failed to meet those standards, that is his fault.. Not mine!" Vriska had a slight twinge of regret in her voice, but it did not faze Terezi's initiative.

With a running start, Terezi kicks up her left foot, launching herself into the air. Calculating her directory by her keen sense of smell, she aims the tip of her spear at Vriska as she falling back down.

Vriska was a step ahead, and with the direction given by her robotic arm, her ship crew shot arrows that were hurdling down towards Terezi before she could strike Vriska by her spear.

Terezi dodges all of the arrows except for one that was in her nose's blindspot. Terezi landed on the ground, crying out in pain as she watched the green blood soak through her suit. She grabbed her leg and tried to control her breathing as she thought of what to do. If I take this arrow out, it would no longer get in my way, but there would be more blood loss at a quicker rate to deal with.

Vriska walks up slowly to Terezi, the heels of her boots clicking at every step. "Hate to see that pretty leg of yours being replaced 8y.. A metal prosthetic? It serves you right for causing this." She cackles and points to her 7 pupiled eye and her robotic arm.

Terezi gasps in pain and looks up at Vriska with tears in her eyes. "Damnit... You always go too far."

The arena walls around them cascade into water, and fall with a clash. Vriska's ship and fleet sail away to larger oceans until the next roleplaying session. Vriska runs over to Terezi and grabs her arms and holds her up.

She rushes Terezi to a different room and starts to patch up her wound. "I'm sorry, Terezi! I didn't know that an arrow would actually hit you! I set them up so that they would all barely miss you and look epic!" Terezi takes off the leggings of her costume and reveals the deep gash in her thigh.

"Ah.. It stings! Quick, clean it up and sanitize it!" Terezi grips onto her hair and shuts her eyes tight, trying not to cry more. "Augh! Why do you have to pull such close stunts! You know I'm blind! Even though I can smell and taste really well, it doesn't mean I am always completely accurate!"

"I know, I know.. I'm sorry." Vriska says as she cleans the gash and ties it up with a bandage. Terezi yells as Vriska pulls on the fabric and makes a knot.

They both breathe heavily from the aftermath of the panic. Terezi starts to cope with the pain and Vriska's worry starts to subside.

"I-I am really sorry.." Vriska apologizes again. "I don't want to loose another person.. I care about."

Terezi looks at Vriska's pain-strucken face and feels sympathy for her. She holds Vriska's hand and smiles. "It's fine.. You bandaged me up well. I hate you so much for it, but I can't stay mad at someone who is so fucking cute."

Vriska holds Terezi's jaw with her hand and their lips meet. For some reason, there is some sort of symbolism behind it? Like, two separate countries clashing together after a cataclysmic war, and then resulting to a peacful treaty.

Terezi pushes into the kiss more and passion is flowing through her, removing her mind from the pain in her leg. Vriska supports Terezi's back by her right hand and pushes back into the kiss. Their lips move in unison and Terezi moans a little when Vriska pushes her tongue into the kiss.

Terezi's hands run along the sides of Vriska's hips and rocks them back and forth, their soft moans escaping from them between every single underlying sequence reset of their kiss, and then pushing forward again.

Their lips seperate and their eyes are slowly lifting open as their tongues are still half visible out of their mouths. When they fully become aware of their senses, they both blush intensely and look at each other with surprise, and then a giggle.

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