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---Start of Part 2---

It is now day 450 on the meteor. There are no more time skips from here on forward because, *phew*, the intermission chapters are finally over.

Reader, Be Rose.
You are now Rose Lalonde.

You feel that the teen drama shouldn't continue right away, it is only the first chapter of part two! Sustaining the crude agony of Gamzee's depression and Nepeta's loneliness can wait another chapter. We don't need to cry just yet.

Just like always, you are sitting in the Common Room/Computer Lab/what is it anymore and you are writing in page 144 in your journal. You are currently describing the time you turned grimdark, and you exploring the battlefield's castle. It seems like just days ago that all happened, but really, it was two years ago.

"After listening closely to the horrorterrors in the Furthest Ring, my skin darkened to a frightening gray. Before I could panic, the feeling of immense power rushed over me, and I knew what I had to do. I had to kill Jack Nior." Your hand works quickly as the pen writes on the blank pages, filling them with your experiences. "I explored the dense castle in the checkered battlefeild. All I saw were dead corpses of people who looked like the citizens I saw from Prospit. I found a couple of the castle's people hiding behind bookshelves of frog tales, and groups of them locked in secret rooms, hiding from Jack Nior's intimidating blade."

"I found John, and he was looking for his father. I knew what unfortunate turn of events his father went through, but I couldn't tell John that his father was dead. I spoke a foreign tongue that I couldn't quite understand myself at the time, so the darkening ultrablack smoke curling off of my figure told me to let him see for himself." Pain strikes in your heart just remembering the moment. You continue to write. "We made our way up flights of stairs and countless corridors. Once we reached to the top of the kingdom's keep, we were confronted by Jack Nior himself, hovering over the bodies of our deceased gardians. I remember the sight very vividly. My mother, a spilled glass of vodka next to her hand, layed limp on the ground, blood all around her."

"But what pained me the most was to see John's face when he saw his bloodied father. I remember his expression clearly. His eyes where wide and strained in fear, and his shoulders slumped over the body. And then he cried. He cried so quietly but it hurt so much to watch. Then he stood up, his knuckles turning white as he held onto his pogo hammer and his sad glare was aimed at Jack. Before he could even hit him, Jack swung his body behind John and pushed his sword straight through his torso. The atmosphere was quiet, but rage was flying up all around me. I then proceeded to attack Jack Nior viscously-"

Oh damnit! You weren't supposed to go into grim detail in your journaling! Quick, whip up some booze before the tears start to kick in.

You find some alcohol and you find any possible fruit to alchemize it with. Is this even drinkable? Fuck it.

You take several unhesitational swigs of the liquid, and you grimace as it burns down your throat. How the hell does your mom do it? This shit tastes disgusting. The fruit didn't even help cover the intense taste of the alcohol. Wait, is this rubbing alcohol? Fuck it, you have already came this far, might as well just die completely.

Dave, Karkat, and Kanaya enter the Common area and they all take an abrupt step backwards when they see your red eyes tearing up and you choking on the disgusting booze.

"What the actual fuck-" Karkat begins to say but you hold up a finger. Your visions starts to get wobbly and you slur your words.

"Karnat I tolls you to not judge my outrageous particularr ad-hic-vancement to my wuvly jouurnaling." Your hand flops on the table like a dead fish and you laugh.

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