Chapter 10

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Quick authors note on where I've been! Just scroll down if you don't want to read this part. I ended up getting pretty sick so I had no want to write, and after I got better it took a bit to get my urge to write again. But hey I'm back. Also, CONGRATS ERIKA ON 1 MILLION! Now on with the story.

Alyssa's POV

        I was sleeping when I heard heard someone sneak into Erika and my room. I opened my eyes slightly to see Jake. Then I was blasted with merch. "WAKE UP!" One hit me in the back, one hit the wall above me, and then I heard "RELOAD!" Then another was shot, hitting me right in the rib cage.

"Owwww. OKOKOK IM AWAKE!" My side kinda hurt but it wasn't too bad.

"Ok so I thought of an idea. Lets prank Logan."


"He doesn't know you're here. Lets have it so me, Chance, Anthony, and Amy all go over there. We'll pretend to re-ducktape his room and then when he goes in there he'll just see you."

"Sure, lets do it." We woke up Chance, Anthony, and the Martinez. After everyone getting ready we left for Logan's house. Jake started his vlog right be for we left, making sure to have Ivan do the "Lets do that thang". When we got to Logan's house, luckily he wasn't there. I ran into his room and waited on his bed since we saw his car go by right as we got in the house. Jake handed me Kong and said keep him in here. I heard the door open and the boys left me and Amy, who was kidding in the shower.

"Yooooo. Wait what the fuck? Why are you here?"

"Oh you know. ALWAYS PRANKING." Jake yelled as I tried not to laugh.

"You have duct tape. And where's Kong? Oh not again Jake." I heard Logan come into towards the room. I haven't seen him since he moved out. My heart was beating in my chest. Then I saw him enter the room vlogging. "ALYSSA?"

"Oh hi Logan." I said smiling, continuing to pet Kong. I got up, ran over to him and hugged him. He picked me up as he handed the vlog camera to Chance.

"I missed you oh my god." Logan said hugging me tighter making me smile.

"Yo he's actually crying." Jake said as he handed his camera to Anthony. He walked over to us and we group hugged. Then Amy walked out of the bathroom.

"Oh hi. What did I miss?" Making everyone laugh. Logan said hi to her and we all continued to catch up with each other.

When we eventually got back to the house Emilio came up to me. "Hey Alyssa?"

"Yea what's up?" I said as I took another sip of my water.

"Come with me for a second."

"Ok" I said following him to my room. When we got in there, the room was filled with candles making the room dim but beautiful. There was a bunch of dairy free candies, since I'm lactose intolerant, spread out on my bed. There was a vase on my desk that was filled with my favorite type of flowers. I smiled so much and looked at him. "Emilio, omg I love this." I walked up to him and hugged him. His arms wrapped around my shoulders and I smiled as I breathed in his scent.

"I wanted to ask you something," he paused for a second as I smiled at him. "So I've liked you for a while now. You make me laugh so much, you're just amazing in general. So with all of that being said, would you like to go out on a date with me some time?"

"Yes." I said smiling as he hugged me again. I was so happy. I really really like Emilio.

Amys pov


I dropped my phone on my face out of surprise. "CHANCEEEE."

"Come with me." I followed hesitently.

"Where are we..." I was stopped by Chance getting really close to my face and putting one finger in front of my lips to stop questioning him.

"Look." He pointed behind him to a sunset. I smiled up at him still looking at the sunset. He eventually looked at me and smiled. "So we've kind of had a thing since Ohio. Though we never made it offical. So I wanted to ask, would you like to go out with me offically?" I smiled and nodded my head as he hugged me. Then I hear the back door open making us pull apart.

"HASTAG CHAMY IS REAL." Alyssa shouted. "Also Amy come here, now, please." I walked over and she showed me a pic on her phone of her room. "He finally asked me out on a date."


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