Chapter 12

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Amy's pov

I was getting ready right after Alyssa left with Emilio. Thinking of going on a date with Chance made my heart race so much. I was sitting there looking at my closet for what seemed like forever. I eventually decided to go with navy blue skinny jeans, a maroon hoodie, and I took Alyssa's black and white vans. After a quick shower i changed, did my hair, and then did my make up. I looked in the mirror smiling. Once i was downstairs Chance smiled asking if i was ready. We made our way to the car. I quickly grabbed the aux cord and played all my favorite music. Though I knew he liked the same music as me anyways. "We're here." Chance said as i saw the movie theater.

"What are we seeing?"

"The Visit." (I know its no longer in theaters but just go a long with it :) ) I instantly widdened my eyes. I hated horror films. I breathed out a shakey breath to calm down a bit. "Dont worry, I'll protect you." I smiled at him nervously. SPOILER ALERT IF YOU HAVENT SEEN THE MOVIE AND WANT TO SEE IT, DONT READ FOR A BIT!!!!

Once it started, it was kind of calm. Then all the scary stuff started to happen. The possessed looking grandmother scratching on the door outside the kids room, the grandfather had a gun in his mouth, the grandmother chased the kids around under the house saying "I'm gonna get ya", the grandmother was sitting in her rocking chair laughing at nothing, and it all freaked me out. The kids eventually left their camera downstairs at night. I was watching the grandmother run around downstairs, but then she just popped up in frame as her face was so close to the screen. I screamed and jumped as I started to panic. Chance grabbed me and pulled me toward him, his scent was enough to calm me down. I was breathing normal until I saw her with a knife trying to break into the kids room. I hid my face again. Eventually it went kind of calm for a bit but then it got to the end, the kids realized these people weren't their grandparents, they were just the ones that killed them. When the kids tried to escape, a lady from an earlier scene was just hanging from the tree. The girl was locked in the room with the woman and had to kill her with broken glass from a mirror that her head was pushed into when she was first in the room. As for the boy, the man put one of his dippers with blood all over it on his face. Eventually the police came and took the kids away. The movie ended. I stood up and Chance hugged me and quickly kissed me, instantly calming me, as we left.


Alyssa's pov

I woke up to Amy shaking me. "I don't want to turn over cause last time I got hit with ice water."

"Ok then I wont tell you about the beach double date." I instantly shot up.

"IM UP!" Amy laughed telling me were leaving in 15 minutes. After I changed into my all black bikini, I threw my hair up in a pony tail, and threw on shorts and a cropped top. I threw my flip flops on, grabbed my phone, and went to the kitchen. I saw Chance quickly lean over and kiss Amy. "HASHTAG CHAMY IS REAL PEEPS!" They pulled back and started laughing. I ate something and then we all left. Emilio took my phone and opened snap chat. He started to record us jamming to my requested 5sos song. Then he posted that and then I grabbed my phone back to take a selfie with him. I posted it while writing, "I love this guy <3".  Once we reached the beach, I laid down to tan, and then Emilio laid down next to me.

"We're going in the water, wanna come?" We nodded and got up running after them. Emilio picked me up. I started to laugh. Then he pretended to drop me.

"NO. DONT." I scream laughed. He leaned forward again as I almost fell. "NO." But he put me down and just hugged me. I didn't want to get my hair wet that's why I was freaking out. Amy and Chance wanted to go back to the chairs so it was just me and Emilio. He looked at me, holding my hips and pulling me close. Though we didn't break our eye contact. Then he leaned forward. My heart was practically beating out of my chest. Then he kissed me. I could just feel myself going red. When he pulled back he kept looking at me before saying,

"I love you."

I smiled and said, "I love you too." We decided to start walking back to Amy and Chance. When we got there Amy said,

"Awwwwe. Alyssa's a tomato." I laughed and looked down.

Chance's pov

I saw Emilio and Alyssa getting really close to each other. Amy pulled out her phone, obviously recording it. Then they kissed. Me and Amy whispered "Hashtag Amilio with an A not an E." only so the recording would pick it up. We saw them pull apart and she ended the video. It was posted on Instagram with the caption "#AmilioForever". And quickly put her phone away as they came back. We eventually got bored and left.

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