Chapter 17

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Amy's pov
I woke up to an alarm that wasn't mine. I guess Tessa has somewhere to be. She got up and went straight for the bathroom, soon I heard the shower turn on. I couldn't fall back asleep, so I pushed myself up off of my bed to go downstairs. "Hey Amy."
"Hi Chance." He hugged me and I started to laugh. "Why are you up so early though? It's an unusual thing."
He smiled before saying, "Yea I know it is." I walked to the kitchen and made myself something to eat. My phone buzzed out of no where, and I had an Instagram notification. Chance had tagged me in a photo. Picking up my phone, I clicked on it and read the caption.
This girl is named Amy, and she is my girlfriend. We've known each other since I used to live in Ohio. Just wanted to tell everyone!
I couldn't stop smiling. I put in the comments Love you Chance!
Once it started to get late and dark outside, Jake came into the living room area. "Who would want to do an overnight challenge?" He said.
"Where would we be going?" I said.
"The cemetery." He said like it didn't faze him at all. I wasn't going to that, no way. Chance, Anthony, Ivan, and Emilio volunteered first. Then Alyssa got up saying that she'd go too.
"C'mon Amy. Come with us!" She said.
"No way. I am not going to a cemetery at night."
Chance walked over and whispered "I'll protect you. Come join."
I finally said, "Fine." Before getting up.
"YAAAY." They all yelled. We got into the car and drove off. Jake turned on the radio, and we all started to sing along to the songs playing. Then a silence fell over the car, and we arrived. I already was going to freak out.
"Ok so we have to jump over this wall."
"What? I'm not going to be able to do that." I said. Chance looked at me and said that he would boost me up. Jake went up first and then Anthony went. Chance boosted me up, while Anthony helped me up at the top. Then Chance came up. Jake and Anthony jumped over to the inside of the cemetery to look for any security. While they were doing that Emilio boosted Alyssa up and Chance pulled her up. Then the Twins came up. The coast was clear so we all jumped inside. I didn't like this at all. It was dark, cold, and creepy. Jake had a bag, with supplies, on his back. He opened it and set up camp. Every where I looked I felt someone just watching me. "Chance?" I whispered to him, who was sitting right next to me.
"I keep thinking I'm seeing someone." He hugged me, hiding my face in the process.
"It's ok. No one is going to hurt you. Not when I'm here." I smiled at him. Then we heard a noise. Jake got up and threw the bag over his back.
"Where are you going?" Anthony said.
"To make sure we're safe." Jake said. I noticed Alyssa cuddled into Emilio, clearly scared by that noise. Then I saw he quickly kissed her.
"Hashtag Amilio." I whispered, making Alyssa laugh. "Chance?" I said as I saw a figure. I pointed at it, and he instantly held me again. It moved closer and revealed a clown coming right at me. I screamed. Though it laughed, sounding exactly like Jake. "Jake?" I asked really pissed off. He pulled off his mask laughing. "Fuck you." I said running. I ran to the fence we climbed earlier, and climbed over easier than I thought I'd be able to. I heard 3 people following me though. I picked up my pace.
"Amy!" I heard Chance yell in the distance.
"Come back!" Alyssa yelled.
"It's ok." Emilio said. I stopped running, and leaned against the wall to my right before sitting down. They all caught up and Chance pulled me up to hug me.
"It's ok. We're here." He whispered into my shoulder. Emilio started hugging Alyssa since she was as equally scared. As we started to walk back, with Jake in sight, I could tell Chance was really pissed off too. "What the fuck Jake? What were you thinking bro?" He said with anger written all over his face.
"I didn't think she was gonna freak out."
"You should know she doesn't like clowns. How long have you fucking known her?"
"Look I'm sorry!"
"Yea I know you are." Chance said rolling his eyes at Jake as we got into the car. The ride home was silent. I was cuddled into Chance and Alyssa was cuddled into Emilio. I soon fell asleep on the ride home.

I wrote this at 4:30 am so hopefully it doesn't suck! Also in the time that I haven't updated in, Logan hit 7M omfg. And as I was writing this, I was watching Erika's subscriber count. She's at 1,997,655 rn. She's so close to 2M! Anyways I'm getting tired again so have a good day/ night guys! Bye!

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