Can't Escape Your Past

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Chapter one- The Dark Hotel

Wren's P.O.V

I awake to a dark room. A hotel room in fact. It's completely dark, I try to turn on the lamp beside me. It doesn't work, so I get up and decide to try and find the lobby.

Opening the door I find the whole floor is dark. A few lights are dim and spark as they try to function properly. There is a strange feeling coming from behind me, it's almost as if some... thing is watching me. I try to ignore it and continue to try and find the way down, or at least to the lobby.

I soon learn the hotel is circular. It makes me take rounded turns down the long hallway. It's quite a large hotel.

I hear footsteps behind me and turn around. There's nothing there except the flickering light and total darkness. I turn around and continue walking, only to hear the footsteps again! By now I'm beginning to panic a little bit. I walk faster and get into a run as the footsteps get louder and faster behind me.

Oh my god! Holy crap! I think in my head. What'll happen if I get caught?! More questions run through my head.

After running in a complete circle- I see no elevator! But as I look around with the footsteps in the background, I see the exit, the stairs. The stairs are concrete and are hard and cold on my bare feet. I soon forget about that, and focus on running down five whole flights of stairs.

Once I get in the lobby, I see it's dark, too. There's no one at the front desk, only a large spot of shiny, red blood. Cold hands grab me from behind and pull me back. I feel stale, cold breath on my ear. The voice that speaks is deep and a little intimidating.

"Found you. Now let's put an end to our little game of tag." it says.

The pain that enters my body is excruciating. Feeling my stomach where the pain is coming from- there's a small point sticking out, it's sharp. And that's when the blood drips and stains my shirt red. The asshole STABBED me!

I fall to the ground on my knees with a thud. The knife is still sticks through my stomach, and as I fall backwards from my knees the knife drives through me even farther. I try to cry out in pain but blood has filled my mouth and all that comes out is a gurgling sound. And that's when the dark room goes completely black.


I wake up to find myself almost swimming in my bedsheets. I'm drenched in a cold sweat. Gross. I can barely breathe from the shock of the nightmare. But I can't stay in bed all day. So I get up and grab some clothes for the day.

I walk across the hall to the bathroom and close the door. A shower should be just what I need to calm down. I set the clothes down on the toilet lid, turn on the water to as hot as it'll go, take off my pyjama shirt and shorts, and step into the glass tube-like thing. The hot water feels really nice as it washes all that sweat away.

Once I've finished, I get out and wrap a soft, fuzzy towel around my body. I wipe some fog away from the mirror and just look at my features for a while. What am I even doing with my life? I pretend to be someone I'm not at school and home. At school I just pretend to be the pretty and popular girl. And at home I pretend to be the most perfect and flawless child.

But really, when I normally now a days dress in bright colours, I would usually dress in black, or darker colours. My parents didn't like them and they told me to get rid of them. But seriously though, they're just at the back of my closet. Everyone thinks I'm an obedient child who would never do anything wrong. But that's not true either, I sneak out sometimes and walk to the hill at the nearby park as an example. I'd look at the stars and remember my best friend Jack; oh how I miss him. He was the one who truly understood me for who I was, in my eyes. We were like the dynamic duo.

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