Chapter three- An Eyeless Jack Rumour

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Wren's P.O.V

I got home around three o'clock. I went up to my room and listened to more music. But I still couldn't get over the feeling of something around me, watching me, just... there. I try to ignore it and just go back on my phone.

While checking my instagram something new has been posted in the last hour. It's just the same picture over and over and over again. Some of them have no description but others do. But it's just a bluey coloured picture, probably taken in the nighttime. But what seems to be looking over the camera that took the photo is a chilling figure: this figure is wearing a black hoodie, and it has a mask on its face. The mask is a darker blue than the surroundings, and has no eyes. They're just large, black eye sockets with a black kind of sludge coming out of them.

Crystal's was the most recent one up and the description says 'Eyeless Jack. Search up the story. Gives me shivers just looking at the pic. All I could think was WTF!!!!!! OMFG!!!!!!! #pissedmyself'

So I decides to comment 'THE HELL IS THAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!'

Since curiosity got the best of me I decided to search up the story. So apparently some guy moved in with his brother and started hearing noises in the night. Until one morning he woke up and there was a giant gash in his cheek. He got it checked out at the hospital and the doctor said that he was missing a kidney. The guy was sent home and went to sleep that night. In the middle of the night he woke up and there was the creature standing over him; he took a picture and ran before the thing could catch him.

The same picture that was posted only god knows how many times was on the screen then. This only made it sound more real. Scary even.

The man got in his car and drove into the nearby woods. And he woke up the next day in the hospital. The doctor came in and told him that something had killed his brother that night. And he also had to stay a few days more in the hospital.

So a few days later his parents took him to his brother's house to collect his things. The guy got his stuff quickly, but before he left he kneeled down beside his brother's dead body. But he saw a small object beside his brother. He swiftly put it in his pocket and got into his parent's car.

Once he pulled out the small object he soon realized the horrifying reality of what it was. His half-eaten kidney, covered in black goo.

The story ends there.

That ending is fuckin nasty. I then feel a memory flood coming on. The memories of Jack and I come back to me. But this time it's different- they're stronger. So strong my brain hurts.

The pale green of my walls soon begins to get brighter and hurt my eyes. I shut my eyes from the pain in my head, trying not to scream out in pain. Dammit it hurts.

Hot tears sting my eyes from the pain as I grip the sides of my skull. It feels almost as if time is completely frozen and I'm the only thing moving. All I can do is wait for the whole flood of memories to end.

A few minutes later, it ends. I gasp as the memories stop. Relief is the new flood in my brain, and it feels good. Why did it hurt my brain that much?

Y'know what? I'm not going to question it anymore. But there was something about that picture that triggered it; that's all I know. Almost the body shape of the figure seemed too familiar.

My phone suddenly starts getting a bunch of texts from what seems like everyone I know at school. Crystal, all the other girls, Craig, the WHOLE fucking football team, etc... And they're all asking if I'm gonna go the the party on Friday. Or what I'm going to wear. Ugh, like do girls seriously have to plan a party outfit? I've never had to plan one until now.

I reply to them all and say yes. I just tell the girls that I haven't found the perfect outfit. Craig asks if I need a ride, so I say sure when he asks if he can drive me.

I really don't want to go to parties; but it's a popularity thing. And if I don't go, the girls get less popularity. I don't know why it's all because of me. I personally don't need to be a Barbie Doll like them. I'd much rather be my old punk self.

I hear the door open and close as one of my parents come home. Probably mom since she doesn't work as long as dad. That's soon confirmed when I hear kitchen cupboards being opened and closed as dinner is prepared.

I try to recover my brain by closing my eyes. Before I really know it, I've fallen into a light nap.

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