Chapter five- Realization

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Eyeless Jack's P.O.V

It's finally Sunday night. The night I've been waiting for all week. Now I can finally fill my nearly empty stomach. But there's always that wonder of who'll be my next victim.

I sharpen my knife one last time on the walk to the girl's familiar house. I wish I could put my finger on the reason why it's so damn memorable. I reach the house pretty quickly and just sit outside.

I wait until the lights go out and it's completely silent. I climb the wooden fence and check for a maybe existing family dog before I drop down. The slowly-drying grass crunches beneath my feet. I climb up the criss-cross wooden pieces covered in vines up to the girls' room.

I open the window and jump in, landing with a small thud. She must be a light sleeper, because she jumps awake and I dash across the room to the footboard of her bed. Her room is fucking huge! She doesn't keep much stuff in it though: a bed, bedside table, and a desk in the corner.

She goes back to sleep and I walk up and stand beside her. I pull her covers off and get the scalpel in the proper position: right overtop over her left kidney. I look over to her bedside table and see a diary. The diary has a word on the front... the word is a name.

I read it and it says 'WREN'. "Wren!" I whisper. I stumble back and drop the scalpel. It lands with three clinks and goes silent. The girl jumps up and stares at me in shock.

"Y-you?..!" she says quietly pointing at me. "This has to be a dream right?!"

I keep stumbling backwards, not knowing what to say to her. "N-no..." I stutter, "this is really happening,"

She begins to hyperventilate and puts her hand on her chest. "I'm guessing you're here to kill me then?" she asks.

"Well..." I begin. "I-I was, but I dunno it's stupid."

"So you're not?!" she asks in amazement.

I nod. "I should go," I say as I begin to walk to the window.

"W-wait..." she says, "you're Eyeless Jack, right?"

"Yeah." I answer.

"Oh okay... I'm Wren,"

"I kinda figured. It's the only reason I didn't cut you open," I say.

Wren stares at me for a moment; almost as if she's lost in thought. She snaps the lost, distant look from her face and says "take off the mask."

"W-what?" I ask. "I shouldn't,"

"Please." she looks up at me with big, blue-green eyes. God, she looks hot.

I give in and move to take off my mask. "Are you sure you want to see my face?" I ask.

"Yes, just do it!"

I take of the mask and she stares at me in astonishment. Wren whispers something I couldn't catch under her breath. She gets up and walks closer towards me. "I knew it... there was something about that picture that just..." she begins, closing her eyes. She falls into my arms crying.

"Look, it's okay," I say while pulling her into a hug.

"I thought you'd never come back," she whispers. We collapse to our knees still in our hug and Wren still cries.

"I missed you for so long, Jack. You would never even know how bad it was, some days I wanted to just die from the empty feeling inside," Wren says into my chest.

"I know; and I'm sorry. But I'm here now."

Wren nods, "I don't want you to go,"

"Well I can't stay here. What'll your parents think when they see you with some one-eyed guy in you room?" I say half joking half serious.

Wren laughs a little but tears still fall down her pretty face. She wipes them away with her sleeve and gives a small smile. She reaches back and turns on a lamp to see better. "Yup, now I completely know it's you. The same silver eye colour," she states.

"And the one eye?"

"Well other people could have one eye," Wren laughs, "but none really as special to me as you"

We sit close on the floor for about twenty minutes remembering old times as little kids. But I also need to go; I have no idea where I'm gonna find a decent meal now. I get up off the floor and tell Wren that I should go. I walk towards her open window. But she runs up and stop me by grabbing my hand.

"Come back tomorrow; once I'm done in school." she gets up other tippy toes and kisses my cheek lightly. We both smile.

"I will. Meet me in the alley behind your yard?"

"Yeah, sounds great. I'll meet you there after three o'clock. You should come early so incase I get there early I don't miss you," she says. "Oh wait, your knife!"

"No, you keep it. Something to remember me by," I say.

"If you're completely sure. I'll see you tomorrow if you want it back anyways,"

I go out the window and climb down after that. Something feels different though. Almost as if my spirits have been lifted a little bit more. It makes me feel happy. It feels good, I've never felt this way in a long time. It feels like my life could go uphill instead of either going downhill or just staying where I am. I like that feeling.

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