Chapter eleven- She's Gone?

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Crystal's P.O.V

I still can't believe I've been a graduate for three days! Though I haven't heard from Wren in a while. That's a bit strange, I tried texting her but she didn't answer. She's probably out on an after-grad-trip like lots of people right now.

I'm sitting in my room watching t.v. when the doorbell rings. I hear it open so I decide to not get up. I look down at my flowered blouse and back up at the t.v.

"Crystal!" I hear my mom calling me from the door in a bit of an irritated voice.

I walk out of my bright pink room and head downstairs. I turn the corner and see mom and a police officer standing at the door. The cop is a tall buff guy, and he looks a bit intimidating.

"Hello, I'm Detective Baker. You must be Crystal I presume?" the man asks.

"Umm... yes," I answer.

"May I have a word with you in another room? I need to ask you some questions, it's very important,"

"S-sure," I say.

Mom brings us into the dining room. She closes. The door at the entrance. Detective Baker and I sit across from each other. He grabs a notepad and pen and looks at me.

"This may be hard to hear." he begins. "But I am here to inform you that... your friend, Wren has disappeared,"

"Wait, what?!" I exclaim. "That can't be right. You're lying!"

"I'm afraid not, miss. But if you don't answer the questions I'm about to give you, we won't be able to find her,"

"Alright, ask away," I say.

"When did you last see her?" he asks.

"It was at our graduation. Everything seemed normal, she didn't seem on edge or anything,"

"Okay. Has she been dating anyone lately? Or at least seeing someone?"

"Well..." I begin.

"You can say anything you need,"

"She's been dating a guy named Jack!" I blurt out.

"For how long?"

"A few weeks maybe?" I say.

"Can you tell me anything about him?"

"I don't know too much. I know he's pretty much my age, he doesn't go to our old school. But not much more than that, that's ALL I know okay?!" I yell.

"Hey, calm down. We'll find her," he gets up to leave. "Thank you. This could really help us,"

I can only nod as the cop walks out the door. My head feels like its spinning in confusion. Wren, gone? I still can't believe it, I won't believe it!

I pull out my phone and text the girls the terrible news. They all reply within a minute or so. So I just decide to put us all in a group chat:

Bea: Wren's missing?! GTFO

Jeanie: oh my god! This CAN'T be happening!

Tessa: who could've done this?!

Me: that's EXACTLY what I thought!

Tessa: wasn't she dating some guy for a while?

Me: yeah, some Jack or whatever...

Bea: you guys think he coulda done this?

Me: it probably was!

Bea: I still can't believe she's gone

Tessa: me neither.

Jeanie: me too

Me: yeah... :'(

Me: what're we gonna tell anyone who asks?

Jeanie: tell 'em straight up?

Bea: ... maybe.

Me: I don't know what to think anymore!

Tessa: I feel the same way now.

Me: I don't know... I just hope she's ok.

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