Chapter twenty-two- Yes

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Wren's P.O.V

I'm sitting in the middle of the woods when I finally, after an hour or so, hear Jack's footsteps up the trail. I left Skylar with Scarlett and the triplets. Twist and Skylar seem to already be almost like best friends; it's pretty cute. I just hope her scar doesn't split while we're gone.

It hasn't done that in six months, hopefully there won't be a third time for a while. I just really wanted her to have a somewhat happy life. One without this much pain.

I hop off the log I was sitting on and my ass seriously feels completely numb. I turn around and take a few steps toward Jack in a waddle-like fashion. Way to keep me waiting and let me get a numb butt, Jack! I think.

Jack keeps hand in his pocket, which seems to have a weird bulge coming out of it. It's probably y just his hand. He takes his mask off and places it on a tree stump and looks at me.

He kisses me, after he parts he looks me straight in the eyes. "I love you..." he begins, "so so much,"

"I love you, too," I say quietly.

Jack takes his hood off and looks at me again. He looks shy, almost uncertain of something. "I have a question..."

"What is it?" I ask.

"Sorry, I'm just really fucking nervous."

"Hey, it's alright," I whisper, putting my hand on his bicep.

"Okay," he pauses. "How far do you think your love would go?" he finally asks.

I take a moment to think of how I could answer such an out-of-the-blue question. I finally come up with an answer, "it would go literally anywhere if it had to for you, Jack. I'd do anything for you if it did some good towards you. What about you?" I finish, using that question.

"It would go anywhere in the galaxy. Anywhere at all!" he answers.

I smile.

"But that was just a minor question." he starts up again. Jack gets onto a knee and looks in my eyes again. "Wren..?"


"Would... would you do me the honour, of marrying me?" Jack asks as he pulls a small, velvety box out of his pocket. He opens it to reveal a gold ring with a beautiful, circular diamond in the middle.

"Oh, my god, Jack..." I begin, too lost for words as I cup my hands over my mouth. "Yes! Of course I'll marry you!"

Jack puts the lovely ring onto my finger. He stands up and we kiss each other for a good minute or so. I release his mouth almost gasping for air. I take a few deep breaths to calm my breathing again, when I do I jump into his arms and Jack spins me around.

We walk hand-in-hand back to the cabin. I sit in his chair and he heads back out to pick up Skylar. I stare at the ring and spin it around my finger. When I turn it to the opposite side I find words cut into the gold. "Love You Forever" it reads.

Forever is a really long time, but I'm also willing to love Jack for that long as well. Infinities even, as many infinities as there are possible. But that's also an infinity of infinities.

I laugh at how now I'm just confusing myself. Infinities are just one of those things that have always gotten me completely confused. I'm hoping its not just me and that they boggle other people's minds as well. But if not, that's fine.

I close my eyes and not even a minute later, Jack comes in through the door, carrying a giggling little Sky. I re-open my yes and look to Jack. "She's tired." he states.

It is true, Skylar does laugh a lot and get pretty silly when she's tired. It's a whole lot better than her getting miserable I guess. I just love hearing Skylar's laugh, so that's also another perk to it.

Jack puts Skylar to bed and comes and sits in front of the unlit fireplace. I get up and sit close beside him, he puts his arm around me and I smile. "We're getting married..." I say.

"Yeah," Jack says back. "But are you sure if you want to? Or did you just not want to hurt me?"

"Yes, Jack. I want to marry you."

"I'm terrified." Jack says.

"Of what?" I ask.

"I've kept my rage all pent up inside so I can use it to kill. But I'm just terrified of somehow just turning it all on you one day." he admits with pain in his voice.

"It's okay," I say. "I'll make sure that you don't end up hurting me."

"But there's also one more thing I have to say. "

"What is it?" I find that he's asking me a lot of questions today.

"You need to become immortal if we're going to stay here."

"Why?" I ask.

"You can only stay in this forest for three years before you need to either become immortal or leave, if you don't do any of those two things you'll die," he answers.

"I want to stay with you." I say. "So if it means I have to become an immortal, I'll do it!"

"I'll contact Zalgo within the next few days then. He's the only one who can perform the ceremony," Jack says.


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