Chapter eight- The Fuzzy Feeling

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Eyeless Jack's P.O.V

It's been five days since I've seen Wren. But just the thought of her makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. It's a really nice fuzzy feeling too.

I wish I lived closer to her, but us Creepypastas must stay hidden from lots of people. She could live with me I guess. But she's got friends, and she may want to finish school before even thinking of living with anyone other than her parents. But it's worth a shot. Yeah, tonight I'm going to visit her and ask if she would want to. It probably wouldn't bug me too much if she said no.

I still can't somewhat believe that Jeff tried to get in my house the day Wren was here. Again, good guy, but a pain in the fucking ass. He's twenty fucking years old. Why doesn't he just go and settle down with his wife in their nice cabin in Slender's forest?

I walk over to my bathroom mirror and take off my mask. I stare at my face. Did Wren really think I'm not ugly?


I waited until around 8:30 pm to walk over to Wren's house. I feel much safer in public when it's getting darker. And then I know she'll be up in her room. When I arrive, I just hop the fence and climb up quickly.

When I tap the window with my finger I hear a small jumping noise. The window opens and Wren looks out at me. She's wearing black. That's a colour I haven't seen her wearing in years. She told me her parents didn't like her wearing dark clothes, so she just put the ones she had in the back of the closet. But those ones have to be way too small by now. "Jack!" she whispers.

I climb in the widow and Wren kisses me. "You're wearing black?" I say.

She looks down at her black tank top and ripped jeans. "Yeah," she says. "I bought some new ones a few days ago. I just decided to wear them today and hermit in my room to get away with it."

"Awesome," I reply.

"Why are you here?" she asks.

"I wanted to see you. And ask you a question..."

"Sure, anything."

"I was wondering... if you wanted to come live with me sometime?" I ask.

She stands there, lost in thought. "I-I would love to, but..." she starts. She's gonna say no isn't she? "I need to finish school first. I graduate in two weeks. After that, I'd love it more than anything to live with you."

"Alright, thanks. I just felt like I needed to ask that. And if you want to change your mind anytime, you can." I say.

We talk a bit longer but I need to get back to my place. We give each other a parting kiss and I head back out the window. I can't help but smile under my mask on the walk back.


That night while I'm sleeping, I hear a window opening. From the sound distance I think it's coming from the main room. I get up and walk out there. Only to see through the moon light streaming from the open window, that's is Jeff... again.

"I'm getting pretty tired of your shit, Jeff." I say.

"Yeah, I know. But my wife is all pissy right now; she's probably PMSing."

"Oh well. I can't have you doing this anymore! My friend may come live with me in the next few weeks, and I don't need you freaking her out if she decides to stay in the end." I say.

"Is it that 'friend' from a few days ago?" asks Jeff.


"You two'll do good together," he says.

"Really?" I ask as I raise my eyebrows.

"Yeah," he answers. "I think you two'd make a good couple."

I stay silent.

"C'mon, man. I know you kissed her!"

"How the hell do you know?" I ask.

"I may or may not have been trying to get in your window at the same time..."

"Jeff." I say.

"Nice to see you finally got a girl."

"Jeff," I say, "so not cool."

"Hey, I'm a guy who gets bored." he admits.

"So you like to kill people, with just a side of breaking into my house?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"Get out. It's three in the fucking morning!" I yell.

"Fine, fine. I'm goin'!" he gets off the floor and jumps back out the window. I quickly go and shut it.

God, Jeff can be annoying sometimes. His wife's probably pissy because he goes out in the middle of the night to break into people's houses. I dunno, just a simple thought. Or maybe his wife is just hormonal.

Am I gonna have to Jeff-proof everything? I chuckle. It seems stupid, but if it needs to be done I guess. Hopefully if Wren lives here and he breaks in, he won't freak her out too much. But she has seen him before so maybe it'll be okay.

I can't help but worry about her sometimes. Even after I left I wanted to know if she was alright. But after what I did to my mother before disappearing... I didn't want to be caught.

My mother was the first of my many victims. I remember the feeling of the simple kitchen knife piercing her flesh, even still. Hers was the first kidney I ever ate; but it wasn't the last. And after that, I couldn't stop. I needed to kill. And eat the organs. I just needed it.

The need will always haunt me. I just know it. Normal is a speck of dust in my life... useless... unimportant... you name it. Let's just say, 'normal' is overrated.

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