Chapter ten- Prom, Graduation and Other Things..

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Wren's P.O.V

I haven't seen Jack in a week now. This also means six days until I graduate and go live with him. But then what? I can never go back into this town with the name Wren Anderson. I'm supposed to go missing.

And what'll I do once I move in? Moving in with with someone is a huge step. Are we gonna get married someday? Have children? What kind of world would our hypothetical children grow up in? I think about these questions so hard my brain starts to literally sting.

In the middle of my thoughts, I hear a tap on the widow. I open the window and feel the Saturday night air on my face. I look down just a tad; it's Jack. "What are you doin' here?" I ask.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come over. I'd like you to meet the other Creepypastas," he says.

"Yeah sure. But it's nine o'clock... what am I gonna tell my parents?"

"The hell if I know,"

"Alright," I say, "I'll just lock my door. I normally do that when I'm asleep anyways, so that should be what my parents assume,"

"Okay, cool," he says as he drops down to the ground.

I run over to my door and lock it. I climb through my opened window and scale the crisscrossed wood down the side of my house. It's a lot harder to do now that it's summer; in the fall there's completely no vines growing on it. But now the vines are in full flourish. "Jack?" I ask.

"Yeah," he whispers back.

"If I drop down, Can you catch me?"

"Of course. C'mon I got you,"

I look down and see him with his arms out right under me. "Alright. 3... 2... 1..!" I push off the wall and free fall for a few seconds before I land right in Jack's arms. He buckles a little bit at the impact. "You okay?" I ask.

"Never better," he smiles.

Jack places me on my feet and we hop the fence. I hold Jack's hand and we walk silently towards the woods. Those lovely woods I wish to someday call my home.


When we reached the cabin the lights are already on and I see people inside. Jack opens the door and all of the people turn and look at us. Jeff is here with his ever so permanent smile, a husky with a devilish smile, a lovely-looking woman with a clock for an eye (it even has the proper time!) and stitched up cheeks, and a seriously tall faceless guy in a suit. I hesitate at the door. "It's alright, Wren," Jack says soothingly.

He gestures to them all in turn. "This is Clockwork," he says pointing to the clock-eyed woman. "Slenderman," he's the tall guy with no face. "And this little 'bundle-o-joy is Smile Dog," he taps the head of the grinning husky. It gives a smile affectionate growl.

"Guys, this is Wren,"

"Hi," I say.

Everyone greets me kindly. And I smile a little. "Where's Scarlett?" Jack asks.

"Oh, the love of my life is using your bathroom. Said she suddenly didn't feel too good. I asked if she wanted to go home, but she didn't want to seem rude," Jeff answers.

"Do you know what's wrong with her?" I ask.

"Oh yeah! I forgot to mention: we just found out she's pregnant. Thanks for reminding me to tell everyone, Wren!" Jeff says.

"How far along?" asks Slenderman.

"About three weeks,"

Scarlett walks out of the bathroom. I've never met her before but I'm still happy for them. She has dirty-blonde hair and brown eyes. "I can hear you all talking about me in there," she laughs. Jeff puts an arm around her shoulders and kisses her cheek.

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