Chapter seven- Jack's Cabin

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Wren's P.O.V

We walked hand-in-hand for about fifteen minutes until we reached a forest. Jack turned to look at me, I could only look a little confused. "It's the woods?"

He nods and pulls me by the hand into them. I follow with a confused smile on my face. We walk a while longer until he stops. Jack says that we're passing through the Creepypasta boundary line.

We walk through and I have a strange tingly feeling everywhere. We keep walking but a small house crosses our path. "Who's is that?" I ask.

"That..." he begins, "is my place." Jack walks forward but I stay behind. I grab one of my arms and stand there, Jack turns back to look at me, "c'mon... it's completely fine. It is my house after all,"

"I-I know... but I have another question: is there anyone else nearby?"

Jack nods.

"They won't be... mad if they know I'm here; right?"

"They probably won't even know you're here. Well, maybe the guy who keeps our territory hidden from unwanted people," he answers.

"Oh." I say.

I decide to follow him to the door. He unlocks it and we head inside. The first thing that catches my eye is the large wall of knives, and once I walk inside I just stare at them. I take slow strides over to the wall and study them for a few seconds. "They're beautiful," I say.

"Nah. Just what I use to kill," Jack replies modestly.

"Well I think they are," I pause. "Now that we're inside, can you take off your mask now? It was hard to see your face completely in the dark,"

"You aren't gonna give up on that, are you?"

"Nope." I answer.

He sighs, "fine." Jack pulls down his hood and takes off his mask. It is really much better to see in the light. "I told you I was still ugly,"

"Oh Jack, you've never been ugly to me. I really mean it," I feel a single tear slide down my cheek. I walk up to him and put my hand on his cheek, feeling the scar across his still existing eye with my thumb. He also has a few tears fall from his eye but I wipe them away. "What those kids said were never true. You were never a scary monster from their nightmares. Please don't cry,"

Jack almost collapses into a hug. I get on my tippy toes so I can reach my head onto his shoulder. God, he's tall! I close my eyes and hold him tighter as he cries. "Y-you really believe that?" he asks.

"Of course. You're my best friend, why would I lie to you?"

Jack puts his hand on the back of my head and rubs my hair. I've never had a hug that made me feel this warm and tingly inside. "I may have seen you hang out with those girls," he says, "but you're not as stupid and air headed as them."

"I think your beautiful in your own way, Jack. You may not be scarless like other guys, but you're perfect to me... always," I say smiling, my eyes still closed.

Jack tenderly kisses my cheek, I feel really warm inside and my smile grows even bigger. We continue our hug for another few minutes; but before we let go Jack says: "I think I might love you."

I whispering his ear, "me too,"

He picks me up by the waist and spins around once, then places me back down in the floor. I pull his head down and kiss his lips. They're really soft and just feel nice. I keep my eyes closed and we drop to our knees, still kissing.

We come up for air and I then realize that we're on what looks like a carpet made of a wolf fur. It's soft and comfortable. I lay on it and Jack lays beside me and puts his arm underneath my head and over my shoulder. We snuggle up, and even though it's only 4:30 in the afternoon, I fall asleep. The last thing I remember before that is Jack sweetly kissing my forehead.


I wake up and look out the window and I think I see something move outside. It's probably nothing so I take my phone out of my pocket and check the time: 6:47 pm. Oh shit! Mom and dad are going to kill me when I get home for staying out of the house for this long on a school night!

I still lay on the wolf skin rug with Jack's arm around me. He seemed to have dozed off as well. I gently shake his shoulder and he starts awake. "I think I should get home," I say.

"Oh... yeah." he answers.

He puts on his mask while a wait at the door. I like his real face better than thing. I seriously see that thing outside moving around again. "Ready?" Jack asks, walking up to me.

I nod and he opens the door. We start walking then this guy jumps out of the underbrush right in front of us! I scream in surprise and cover my mouth.

The person who stands up is a young man, he's older than Jack and I, nothing to out of the ordinary. Except his fucking face! A permanent smile has been cut out of his cheeks and his eyes are rimmed with black; by the looks of it since he hasn't blinked, there aren't any eyelids there at all.

"Jeff! What the fuck?!" yells Jack.

"Just comin' to visit." says this kid, apparently named Jeff. His scarred grin grows even bigger.

"Yeah, you're not coming to my house, Jeff." Jack says obviously a bit irritated.

"Fine, fine." Jeff looks at me, "and who's this lovely little doll?"

"This is Wren," Jack answers, gesturing towards me.

"Nice to meet you!" Jeff says. "But I may as well go then." Jeff then leaves without another word.

Jack and I walk for a few more minutes until I come across the BEST climbing tree. "Bet you I can beat you to the top!" I yell.

I remove my shoes and start climbing. Jack quickly climbs up behind me. Damn this guy's strong. So I decide to climb even faster. I reach the top a few milliseconds before Jack. I sit at the top and look out over the trees. The sun is already setting so I asked if we could stay and watch the sunset. Jack agrees and we just sit there silently for a few minutes.

"You can never tell anyone about where all the Creepypastas and I live," he says.

"I won't. I promise, and promises are something I would NEVER bother breaking."

Jack nods and puts his hand around me as the sun slowly sets.


After the sunset Jack ad I walked back to my house. We stood once again behind my yard and in the back lane. I lifted up his mask to his nose and we kissed one last time before departing. I jumped the fence and went back inside through the back door.

My parents were in the living room so they didn't hear me come in. I walked to the doorway and stood there. "Hi," I said.

"Where were you Wren?!" mom yells, getting to her feet.

"I was... with a friend." I answer. "And I told you I was going out after school!"

"Well you didn't tell so where you were going. And you should've been home an hour ago; it's a school night!" dad yells.

"I didn't have homework. And I promise it won't happen again." I say and walk upstairs to my room.

I lay on my bed and just text the girls what happened. Not the part that I went to some hidden place with Jack though. Crystal texts me back first.

Crystal: ERMAGERD!!!!! You kissed?!

Me: yes. But don't freak out. I don't need you having a heart attack on me!

Crystal: how did it feel?

Me: the kiss you mean?

Crystal: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me: it was nice. His lips were soft

Crystal: WHOOOOOOO..! Good for you Wren!

Me: what's that supposed to mean?"

Crystal: the girl who NEVER says yes, finally did. I'm so proud!

Me: yeah... thanks! ;)

Crystal: any time! But tell me all the rest tomorrow. Gtg. Homework ugh!

I shake my head and plug in my earbuds. I listen to Serius radio. Chills by Down With Webster comes on. I only then realize that I'm really tired. And before I know it, I've fallen asleep again. I wonder what'll happen tomorrow.

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