Chapter twenty-three- Another

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Wren's P.O.V

I wake up and prop myself on my elbow to look at the alarm clock. It's 6:32am. I listen to Jack's breathing in his sleep. He sleeps with his back now turned to me, I turn my body to match the same position and stroke my fingers across his skin.
"You may not think so, but you're completely perfect to me." I whisper as quietly as I possibly can.
I quickly kiss the side of his neck and breathe in his scent. I don't know but there's just something about it that's so familiar, so warm, so soft, so kind, just... like home. I cautiously get up, not wake him up. He's a heavy sleeper until someone moves even his toe. I made that mistake once. If I do, he jumps awake with a loud yell.
I'm starting to think that Jack has nightmares. He mumbles while tossing and turning in his sleep. There are nights that I've had to wake him up because he doesn't stop.
He proposed to me just over a week ago. We've planned to get married in three months since we live in hiding out in the woods with not too many neighbours. But I'm actually completely fine with it, I find the silence calming.
I slide off the bed and walk to the dresser. I pull out a long shirt and underwear and quickly get dressed; I would like to wake up later in the morning wearing some clothes. I crawl back into bed an close my eyes.


I open my eyes again to see some pale sun coming through the windows. I check the clock again and decide its probably a good time to get up. I walk to the kitchen while rubbing my eyes. I check to see what we've got for food and since there's pretty much nothing, I guess it's cereal for all three of us this morning.
I hear a buzzing coming from the bathroom and walk in to find Jack cropping his hair and shaving with an electric razor. I go close behind him and hug him, I nuzzle my head into his back. He stops, turns off the razor and puts it down on the counter for the sink. I release him and he turns to look at me.
"I was able to contact Zalgo late last night," he says.
"Okay, and..." I say.
"He says he'll he over in his clearing later today,"
I nod and head back to the kitchen. I pour some cereal into a bowl; I take a spoon and quickly eat the semi-stale cereal. It's better than nothing, I guess I'm gonna have to ask Clockwork to run to town and help us stock up on food.
I hear Skylar wake up and stand in her crib. "Ma!" she yells cheerfully.
"I'm coming, sweetie!" I call back.
I put the cereal down and take Skylar out to the kitchen. I sit down with her on my lap, grab a handful of cereal and hold it out for her to eat. I kiss my baby's cheek and she giggles. Jack walks in and gestures to take her, I give him Skylar and he feeds her. I finish my breakfast and go to take a shower.
I turn on the water, take off my clothes and brace myself for the freezing cold water. I gasp as the cold water hits my skin. I was not ready for that at all! I wash my hair and body and jump back out of the cold water.
I get dressed and head out of the bathroom, passing Jack as he goes in to take his own shower. I sit beside Skylar on the floor. She looks at me and pokes my stomach with her finger. "It in there," she says.
"What?" I ask her, smiling.
"Baby!" she says excitedly. "Baby!"
"Yeah, you were a baby in my tummy once," I say.
"No! New baby in there!"
Now I finally understand what she was saying. She's talking about a new baby in my stomach. But how does that make sense? How can Skylar know that without me even knowing it, or even telling her?!
But I'm going to trust her instincts. She's special in a strange way, she talked to me in the womb for god's sake! That is not normal, especially for Creepypasta children.
"So you're saying there's a baby in there?" I ask.
"Yeah, he in there," she answers.
"He?" I ask.
"Baby!" she squeaks again.
Obviously I'm going to get nowhere with her on this subject. I stop talking, Skylar crawls and sits on my lap. I'll go to Jeff's house and ask Scarlett for a pregnancy test after I become an immortal today. She normally keeps a spare box in her bathroom, well that's at least what she told me. Hers are the high-quality shit so they apparently pick up on higher levels of this hormone or that in the body quicker. Scarlett and Jeff don't plan on having anymore kids since they got three at one time, but I guess they were trying for a while so Scarlett would probably have extras.
Jack comes back out of the bathroom and grabs himself some cereal. I smile at him and he gives me one of his scarred yet sexy smiles. I won't tell him about what Skylar said, I don't need him being freaked out as much as I was.


My family and I walk down the trail that leads to Zalgo's clearing. Jack carries Skylar on his shoulder and bounces her up and down. I love hearing Skylar so happy, no matter how loud she is.
We reach the clearing and Zalgo is already waiting for us. "Wren," he says, "we may as well start now. Please lay down where the circle in the centre of the clearing is." he points one of his long bony fingers to a small circle carved into the dirt.
I lay down on the circle and stare at the canopy of trees. Zalgo walks over to me and holds a long and quite hooked knife. "Are you ready?" he asks.
I nod.
"You won't be able to feel anything for the whole ceremony, but feeling will return when it's over. Please do not panic either, I'm just going to tell you what I'm doing here as well: I will cut a deep scratch into your palm and take my finger to absorb the blood. After that, I will go to a tree surrounding us and write the proper symbols upon it to complete the ceremony," he explains.
"Then what does this circle have to do with this?" I ask politely.
"It's what keeps your sense of feeling from working the whole time. But I will begin now..."
I close my eyes and just wait for the whole thing to be over. I can handle seeing other people's blood but not my own, especially if I'm watching someone draw it from my body. That's a huge no, no!
A few later minutes I feel a jab in my belly button. I open my eyes and see its Zalgo. "It is done. You are now one of us. Welcome!" he smiles.
"Thank you!" I say. I run back to Jack, who's put Skylar down and she sits on the forest floor. I jump into Jack's arms and he picks me up. We kiss each other's lips and part, smiling.
I look back into the clearing to find Zalgo gone, but my blood on the tree still remains. Now that I notice more, there are a lot of trees with blood symbols. More trees with symbols than there are immortals living in this forest. So there other immortals in lots of places!
"We should get home," Jack says.
"No, if it's alright I'm gonna take Skylar to quickly visit Scarlett." I object. "It'll probably be around half an hour,"
"Alright, I'll see you back at the house,"
I carry Skylar on my hip towards Jeff's house. I knock on the door, Jeff answers it. "Hey, Wren! Do you need anything?" he asks.
"Yeah, I'd like to visit Scarlett for a while."
"I heard my name!" I hear Scarlett call from inside. "Who is it?"
"It's Wren, honey. She wants to visit you for a little bit," Jeff answers.
"Oh, okay. Bring her in!"
I enter the house and sit on the couch. Scarlett comes out a minute or two later; her hair is kind of messy and her eyes look tired. "Are you alright?" I ask.
"Yeah, it's just raising triplets isn't that easy. I just fought with 'em to fucking behave." she answers. "Anyway, why'd you wanna visit?"
I look to see if Jeff's still around. "Do you still keep that extra box of pregnancy tests?" I ask.
"Yeah. Do you think you're pregnant again?" Scarlett says.
"Well I'm not quite sure. But you have the high-quality ones right?" I say.
"Yes of course!" she says. "Follow me and I'll give them to you. Do you want to use them here?"
"Yeah." I answer. "Cause if I am, I want to tell Jack later. Y'know?"
"I totally get what you mean, I didn't tell Jeff right away either. So I completely know the feeling,"
She walks me to the bathroom and opens one of the cabinets. She points inside and says "there ya go!"
I look at her after grabbing the box, "you don't think you'll need these again, right? I mean, you don't plan on having anymore kids?"
"Fuck no!" she says, pushing out her lips and holding them there for a while. "No Jeff and I will definitely no be having any more kids."
She leaves the room and closes the door behind her. I lock it and open the box. There's two testers inside so I guess I'll just use them both. I read the box again.

-=no baby

I use the first tester and read it. It says +. I use the second one and wait a little bit to read it. It also says +.
"Fuck..." I whisper.
I open the bathroom door after washing my hands and Scarlett is still there waiting for me. "So..?" she asks.
I reveal both of the tests to her and she squeals. She hugs me and we both start laughing. Scarlett pats my belly and smiles.
"Oh my god! I can't believe you're having another baby! I'm so happy for you. And what's that I see on your left finger..?" she says with her normal devilish grin.
"I'm getting married!" I say, barely able to contain my excitement from exploding out of my chest. "Where's Sky?" I ask.
"Oh, she's just playing with the triplets. I just brought her back there but she already seems pretty happy,"
"Alright, thanks." I say.
"Do you want to maybe talk about this since your daughter's playing and seems alright for now?"
"Yes. I'd really don't know how I'm gonna raise two little kids at the same time. When this one is born I think Skylar might just be out of diapers so I'd love to know how to handle it,"
We go sit on the couch and start our conversation. We're having another baby... we're having another baby. I can only hope it's gonna go well.

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