Chapter nine- The Long Wait

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Wren's P.O.V

Two weeks. This'll probably be the longest wait that I've been looking forward to... ever. I really want to go live with Jack. But I don't think I can tell anyone I am, or where I'm going. No unwanted visitors from the outside.

But the only reason I told Jack that I was going to live with him after I graduate is because if for some reason we needed some extra money, who'd hire a guy who eats people's kidneys and a girl who dropped out of school in the last two weeks? Exactly.

But I'm glad I stayed in my room almost all day. Wearing black clothes makes me feel a bit like I did a few years ago: spunky, rebellious, like a complete punk, and like I could express my true self. I'm just gonna say it was awesome.

I pull a small duffel bag out from my closet and begin packing things I'll need in a few weeks. So all of my black or dark coloured outfits except two for next weekend. An extra hairbrush, toothbrush, some unopened eyeliner, a few pairs of my lighter clothes, and Jack's scalpel he left a while ago. Once I finished, I stuffed the bag into the back of my closet.

I take a quick shower and wash off my makeup. I don't need my parents thinking I'm emo or something. I wrap a towel around me when I'm done and I run to my room.

I get on an older t-shirt and pyjama pants to get ready for bed. And yes, I know it's only 8:40 pm! But my parents will have dinner out soon and the hate it when I wear black clothing.

Mom calls me from the dining room and I hop down each step and swing around the railing. The dining room is filled with the nice smell of my mother's cooking. I look at my plate and see we've got steak, garlic bread, and mashed potatoes. Way more than I'd ever need.

I sit down and mom asks me if I want a drink. I just say water. She comes back about thirty second later with a glass of water and places it in front of me. I'm gonna miss my parents, not to mention they treat me like their baby.

I eat all of the food on my plate and seriously feel like I'm gonna explode. "Do you want dessert?" mom asks.

"No I'm alright mom. If I ate one more bite I'd probably just pop like a balloon," I answer.

"Alright," she says. I find it kinda funny how dad rarely says anything during supper; he just sits there reading the newspaper for most of the time.

I take my plate and utensils to the sink and head back up to my room. I flop on my bed and put my hand on my stretched out stomach. I really feel the need to burp, but I try to hold it in because it's something my parents always frowned upon. But it doesn't work and I am able to relieve some of the pressure in my gut. I laugh.

God, graduation is only two weeks away. That also means literally everyone is going to want me to be at prom in two weeks. I haven't even thought about what I want to wear. Dresses aren't really my thing. I'll probably just chose some random thing out of my closet.

Just the thought of dresses make me nauseous. Like, I mean they're pretty and all but they just feel weird on my body. I can never feel pretty in them maybe.

It's too bad no one knows Jack even exists anymore. Or goes to our high school. Now that I think about it: what'll people think when I just seem to disappear after graduation? I was kidnapped? I killed myself? Some decided to murder me? The possibilities are literally endless!

How will my parents, family, and all of the people I've called my friends for the past four years feel about me being gone? Maybe they'd become depressed with not knowing what happened to me. Would they cut themselves? Turn to drugs? Kill themselves?

Oh God. I don't want that on my conscience... I can't have it. But I want to be happy as well. And Jack makes me happy, he makes me laugh, he makes me give a real and not completely fake smile... I love him, I really do; and I won't give him up. He slipped away from me once, I won't let him do that again and suffer.

Thinking about Jack, I realize I'm smiling. I giggle a little about my girlishness. There I go again, girlishness. What's happening to me?! But I still can't stop smiling now at how stupid it seems.

I walk up to my closet again tonight. I look for some kind of dress to wear. There are pink dresses, purple dresses... I bet if someone named a colour, I would have a dress that colour.

But after I search for a bit longer, I find what I think may be the perfect one: it's knee length with some poof at the bottom, it has no straps or sleeves, but the thing I like most about it is that it's crimson red.

I try it on and the dress actually looks nice on me. The blood-like colour brings out my blue-green eyes. I smile at my reflection. I think I'll wear this one.

And suddenly, my two week wait doesn't seem so long.

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