Chapter twenty-six- I Don't Regret It

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Wren's P.O.V

I walk into the room that Skylar and Daniel share until Skylar turns five. I can't believe that's just under a year from now. Time has gone by so fast.

Skylar looks so much like me, and the resemblance is so close it's almost scary. Daniel looks just like Jack in every way except for the eyes, the eyes are the same colour as mine. I think the best thing about them is that I don't think they could ever be closer siblings.

"Hey there," I say the them, "how about we clean up your toys and then you both can go eat?"

"Yes, mommy!" Skylar says cheerfully.

I wait in their doorway for the two to put their toys back in the little toy box. I take them to the dining room and have them sit in their chairs and I serve them some instant noodles. Jack's gone out to kill one of his targets tonight so he told me I don't need to cook for four tonight. But really I don't think instant noodles is really cooking.

I don't want our children to end up in the mental state most other Creepypastas are in. I fear for their safety and especially with Skylar and what happens with her heart and the scar on her chest. But they both just seem too innocent at this age for me to imagine them as murderers.

When they finish eating as much as they can it's about 8:45pm. So I put Skylar in her bed and Daniel in the crib and I head back to the kitchen. I really need something to just calm down my senses for right now, I make some tea and head out the back door. I sit on a rock a few metres away and look up at the sky as I drink my tea. As the sun sets my feet get cold on the stone but I just stay there.

I've long since finished my tea by the time I hear the front door open, it's probably around 10:00pm now. I hear footsteps coming from inside and are walking all over the cabin. The rhythmic sound of the footsteps starts lulling me to sleep and I find myself nodding off to sleep. The steps come to the back door and head outside. By now I'm half asleep and am too tired to move; it's a man's figure and it comes to stand beside me

"I'm back." he whispers in a familiar voice. It's Jack. "I told you I'd be fine," he kisses my cheek and picks me up.

He carries me back into the house and I feel him place me in the bed. I listen as he leaves the room and drops his dirty clothes to the floor as he comes back in.

He lays on the bed and puts his arm under my head. I gently throw my arm over Jack's body and he tentatively holds onto my arm. His presence is comforting, it always seems to just put me to sleep.


"Are the kids in bed?" Jack asks.

"Yeah," I answer as I close the back door. "Are you sure you're ready to do this again?" I ask him.

"I'm not very good at it, so yeah. Practice makes perfect I guess," he answers.

I put the satellite radio I'm holding onto a rock. I continue flipping the switch between channels until I find a slower song. I stand back up and grab Jack's hands.

"You don't need to be great at dancing, but you're right about the whole practice thing. Not to mention we've only really danced at our wedding, but again, if you want to I guess," I say. "Just don't try to touch my ass this time."

Jack chuckles, "I can't make any promises,"

I am now once again standing there, showing off our awkward hight difference to no one but the forest. By the time the song ends, Jack has stepped on my foot about five times; that's six less than how many he did last time. So at least he's made some improvements. I kiss his mask cheek and go back to the rock with the radio.

Jack comes and sits beside me. He looks at me and takes off his mask. "If you could go back in time, would you ever change anything?" he asks.

I answer almost right away and pretty quickly, "no. I would never change a thing about what's happened in my life. Because if I did do things differently, I probably wouldn't have found you again,"

"Do you have any regrets at least?"

"None that come to mind at the moment. But if I think longer about it I'll probably find some. You?"

He pauses, and then answers, "I'm really not sure."

"Oh, that's okay,"

"I do feel bad for trying to kill you, though." Jack continues "I'm glad I saw the diary on your bedside table,"

"I feel kind of the same way about you seeing my diary," I say.

"Do you know whatever could've happened to your parents."

"Don't know. Don't care." I answer. "My mother tried to kill Skylar! I hope she dies; I've felt this way since I ran from the abortion clinic."

"Now that I think about it, I don't think your mom ever liked me," Jack says with a shit load of thought in his voice.

"What? Why?"

"She always gave me a nasty glare when she thought no on was looking," he answers.

"Well that's another thing to prove she's was always a total bitch. She seemed so nice to me until she found out I was pregnant," I say.

"Maybe she figured something like you getting pregnant at like twelve would happen if we stayed friends," he laughs

"Yeah," I say with laughter in my voice as well. "Instead I waited like six years!"

"Mehhhh..." Jack pokes my face.

"Mehhhh..." I poke his face right back.

He pushes me off the rock and pins me to the ground. I scream and laugh at the same time as we start to play fight like we should be seven years old. He happily stares into my eyes with his icy gaze. It may be icy, but damn it feels so warm.

He kisses me over and over again. "I love you," he'll say quietly every now and again in between kisses.

"I love you more," I say back.


I open my eyes, surrounded by the soft heat of Jack's arms. I look up at the night sky which is now full of stars. "I don't regret it." I whisper. "It may seem like something to some people that I should; but no."

If I had the chance to go back in time and change my decision, I wouldn't. If I did I wouldn't have my children, I wouldn't have Jack, but most of all I wouldn't my perfect life. Everyone thought my life was perfect before: I had "perfect" friends, "perfect" clothes and just a "perfect" everything. But this life is what I'd have to call completely perfect.

This perfect life only happened because of my past. My past may have had one outstanding moment that was heartbreaking, but it was just a moment, and like all moments it passed. But now it goes to show you can't escape your past... ever. But I'm okay with that.

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