Chapter twenty-four- I Do

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Wren's P.O.V

Clockwork invited me over so her and Scarlett could help me get ready for the wedding today. I'm walking down the path when the thought that I'm getting married in a few short hours is a reality. I'm so excited, I mean Jack and I will be husband and wife soon, not to mention there'll be another baby in the house.
I knock on Clockwork's door and she answers a few seconds later. "Wren!" she smiles and hugs me. "Come and sit down so we can do your makeup; Scarlett is just using the washroom,"
"Alright," I say, smiling back. I go and sit on the couch, Clockwork does the same and we find ourselves waiting for Scarlett.
I hear the toilet flush and some water running in the bathroom. Scarlett comes out while wiping her hands on her jeans. "Hey, Scarlett!" I greet her.
She smiles at me and says "alright, let's get to work!"
They put some eyeliner on my eyes at the same time but working together. Clockwork holds a mirror out in front of me and I see that they put on my eyeliner pretty thick, but still pretty much my usual style. Scarlett puts blush on my cheeks, when she finishes her and Clockwork step back and study their work on my face. A mirror is held up at my face again and I nod. "I love it!" I giggle.
They both sit down since we don't have to rush everything right now. Scarlett looks at me, "did you tell Jack about the baby yet?" she asks.
"Yeah," I answer.
"And... how did he take to that..?" she continues.
"He's really excited. I told him a few days ago and we both decided to tell everyone else at the wedding speeches later tonight," I say.
We all nod once I finish talking and we fall into an awkward silence like most people who are even friends do all the time. A little while after we just have some random conversations. Scarlett gets up a while later and goes back to the bathroom to make sure we've got everything we'll need to do my hair. When she calls Clockwork and I, we both jump up and head to the bathroom as well.
I never really liked anyone doing my hair, so when the two young women start on it I shut my eyes. I flinch whenever someone pulls my hair too hard or I just need to move and end up with my hair pulled anyways.
When they finish that I open my eyes again. I look in the large mirror and see the work of art they've done with my red-brown hair. I find it completely beautiful and probably the most amazing thing I've ever seen done with my hair. It's a high ponytail, but there's a braid going up the left side of my scalp, the braid then wraps around the elastic so it looks like the ponytail is being held up by the lovely braid. Only now I see with my hair up so high and even now it goes past my shoulder blades, how long my hair has grown. I remember when I came to this forest it went just past my shoulders, but now it's probably down to the middle of my back without the ponytail being in.
I go and sit back down on the couch but Clockwork doesn't follow with us after Scarlett gets there. "What is it?" I ask.
"I'll be right back, I need to get your dress." she spins around and heads to her room. I listen to her rummaging around until her footsteps come back into the living room. "This is what you'll be wearing!" she smiles her sewn-up cheeks. "It was mine and since we're about the same size, I thought it would fit you,"
"You were married?!" I ask, full of shock.
"Yes I was. For just over a year, until I found out my husband was having an affair with about two other women. So I killed him, I sliced him up with my large scissors until he was barely recognizable." she explains.
"Oh, I'm so sorry I brought it up," I say.
"No don't worry about it. Our marriage was happy for a little while, but then things changed and I found out what he was doing. I think the feeling of slicing his flesh made me happier than I'd been through the whole thing. Then I sewed up my cheeks, sliced out my own eye and replaced it with this clock here. I kind of think my first kill is what drove me into madness," she explains.
I nod in agreement.
I look at the dress and my jaw almost drops. "It's amazing!" I say. It has straps that hang off the shoulders and the top is a heart-shaped style. I'm gonna hate wearing the dress, but I think this might be something I'd be okay with wearing.
I put it on and Clockwork zips it up in the back. I walk back into the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror, the dress looks so beautiful. I can't help but smile now as I spin and the bottom frills out. "Thank you so much!" I say, mesmerized.
I check the clock and see that we should get to the spot where we're holding the whole wedding. "We should go!" I say.
Scarlett and Clockwork both nod. I put on my black combat boots and head out the door. Yes I know combat boots aren't the most classy footwear to be wearing at my wedding.
On the way Scarlett picks some flowers for me to use as a bouquet. She hands it to me and we keep walking. When we reach the end of the trail before the clearing we're using and stop. I look through the trees, all the guys are there with most of them sitting in chairs. Jack stands in front of all of them; he's wearing a tuxedo and like always, his mask.
Clockwork puts the veil over my face then Scarlett and her nervously speed walk to take their seats. Skylar, Jay, Twist and Rosie sit nicely in a row of chairs as well. To think there'll be another one there soon...
Slendy takes his spot behind Jack and I hear my voice called quietly so I start walking slowly up the makeshift isle. I look at Jack and nervously smile. When I reach him, Scarlett comes up and I give her my bouquet before she goes back to her seat.
Jack holds my hands and Slender Man has us exchange rings and vows. "You may now kiss the bride," he says. Those six cheesy old lines have never made me so happy in my life.
"The mask..." I whisper to Jack.
He quietly chuckles. Since this is taking too long, I lift the mask up to his nose and forcefully kiss him on the lips. Jack holds onto my waist and leans so I bend a bit backwards. Everyone claps around us and we part. Jack pulls his mask back down and picks me up bridal-style.
Everyone helps move the chairs into a semi-circle and I hear music start to play. I look around in confusion and a hand lands on my shoulder. I turn my head and it's Clockwork. "I took a trip to the nearest library, used a computer and hacked the music playlist on your old phone." she shrugs.
"How did you hack my phone? Also how did you even find my phone?!" I ask.
"My old friend BEN taught me," she answers. "So I found the music you like and the music you don't like,"
"Oh..." I say. "Well thanks?"
I've been dancing with Sky for a little while when a slow song comes on. Everyone makes a circle around Jack and I. Toby pushes Jack towards me when I feel a push from behind me and I stumble towards Jack. Luckily he catches me and we both laugh.
He pulls me close by the waist, almost touching my butt. I give him the stink eye and put my arms over his shoulders. It's times like these when I still feel awkward about how tall Jack is and how short I am. Like seriously, he's about 6'4" and full of muscle while I'm about 5'1" and barely have much muscle or body fat at all?
Since we both don't really dance we just rock back and forth until the song ends. When it's over all of the music stops. "I guess it's time for the toast," I say.
Everyone goes to sit in the semi-circle and I help Skylar into her own chair. I go up the front and pour glasses of stolen wine for everyone except for the little ones. Jack hands them out and I take one as well, I have to lead the toast and then make a fucking speech!
I tap on the glass with my kind-of-long fingernails and the Creepypastas pay all their attention to me. "Well first of all, I'm just gonna say, sorry we couldn't get cake; but weddings aren't about the cake. Anyways, thank you so much for coming today! Just to make it clear, I'm not very good with speeches and that kind of thing; so here's to our crazy love!" I take a sip from my glass and everyone does the same.
Now that's done, but I've gotta do the speech. "When Jack and I first met in kindergarten, I'm just gonna say that we hated each other. He smashed my play-dough creation and mushed it into all of the other colours. It's so stupid now that I think about it. But it seems that people seem to make best friends out of people they hate, because that's what happened to us. When you left me behind, Jack... I was SO lonely and sad. Little did I know that you would show up as an Instagram post and it really would be you! I was terrified the moment I saw you in my room, coming to steal my kidneys or some shit. But when I found out it was you, I couldn't have been happier to know you were still alive! I know some may think that we'd be too young for love or even marriage, but I don't think that's true; because deep down your love for someone is always there, it just takes some people longer to realize it. So it may seem crazy, but I'm glad in a way that you chose me to try and kill... just don't do it again!" I look at Jack and point my finger, smiling.
I walk over to where Jack is standing and he quickly takes my spot up front. He takes a deep breath that is loudened by the mask. "Alright, I don't think I can do this but I'm gonna try. When I left you behind, believe me I felt like the worst person in the world. I'm so glad that I found you again. I just want you to know that I think you're the most amazing girl I've ever known in my entire life and I love you and our little family more than anything in this world. Oh, and speaking of family... Wren's pregnant again! We're having another baby!"
Everybody claps and whoops at the really good news.
"We may be a strange couple, a beautiful girl and a scarred murderer, but opposites attract I guess. So let's have it again for this crazy, stupid love we have! And you may not think it, but you really are beautiful and maybe it's time I start believing even someone like me can be beautiful as well!" Jack finishes.
I find my cheeks turning red with blush and I can't help but let out a giant smile. Jack moves his hands towards his mask and I give him a curious look. He rips off the mask and the small crowd cheers so loud I swear that outsiders would be able to hear us. I run up to him and try not to trip in this fucking dress. I jump into Jack's arms and he kisses me really hard.
"I love you!" I excitedly whisper.
"I love you even more!" he whispers back. "I promise I'll never abandon you again, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me,"
Scarlett comes up to me and hands me to bouquet of flowers and I turn around. I toss it behind my head and look back to see who's caught it. Clockwork catches it but quickly looks at it and throws it at the ground with an angry but still smiling face. Skylar picks it up and holds it up in my direction. I really can't help but laugh at the cuteness, but who would she marry being so secluded from the outside world?

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