Chapter nineteen- Skylar's Life

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Eyeless Jack's P.O.V

It's been two days since Skylar was born. Even as a newborn she's almost like the spitting image of her mother. Her hair has more of a red colour to it though.

Jeff, Scarlett and the triplets are supposed to be coming over to visit soon. Ah yes, Twist, Jay and Rosie. They're very energetic for six-month-olds. It's bit scary how much they all look alike, and how much they all look like their mother. Even though they had to be hastily removed three whole months earlier than they should've naturally been, god have they thrived!

Wren walks out of Skylar's room and into the living room. Skylar lays asleep in her arms so I'm guessing she was just fed. Wren hands the baby to me and rubs her eyes. For two days she's been keeping up well with taking care of our new addition.

There's a slight nock on the door and Wren goes up to answer it. Jeff is standing there holding Rosie, while Scarlett is in the back holding Jay and Twist. "Hey!" Wren says happily. "C'mon in!"

Wren lays a blanket on the floor so the triplets can be put down and the parents can take a load-off. They put the kids down and sit in our dining chairs. While Wren squeezes in beside me and takes Skylar.

"So..." Jeff says kind of awkwardly. "What's the little one's name?"

"This is Skylar," I answer.

"She's adorable!" Scarlett says.

"Thank you," Wren chimes in her quiet and smooth voice.

At that exact moment, as if little Sky heard the compliment, she opens her eyes. They're already the exact same colour as Wren's. "Look!" Wren giggles. "She's finally opened her eyes!"

"Oh, let me see!" Scarlett squeals! She comes over and looks at Skylar's face. "Oh my god, she's precious!"

Scarlett goes to sit back down. Jeff asks "so you've been parents for two days, what's it like being so young and having a baby?"

"It's..." Wren begins. "It's alright. Motherhood isn't too hard so far,"

Skylar looks around the world now with weak yet curious eyes. All she's been able to do for the past little while is hear; but now she can see! She hasn't seen my real face yet, what will my daughter think of me?


Jeff and his family left a few hours later. I swear Twist was probably the quietest of all three of their children. But now that Skylar has opened her eyes, she won't stop looking around.

It's about 9:30pm now. Wren decided to go to bed early and I didn't mind; she is still tired from only giving birth two days ago. I rock Skylar to sleep in her room and place her in her crib. I walk over to the room that Ween and I share. It's pretty warm out so the damn cabin is really hot, so I remove my clothes and go to bed in my boxers.


I wake up to Skylar crying. Wren's already up and is dragging her feet to the baby's room. I check the clock: 1:27am.

"Jack!" Wren yells about ten minutes later and Skylar hasn't stopped crying.


"It's Skylar!" she answers. "Something's completely wrong!

I jump up and run to her room. The light's already on but it's too bright. I look at the baby in her crib, crying bloody murder. A blinding light is coming from her chest so Wren pulls down the top of her tiny onesie.

The X-shaped scar is emanating a white light and is quickly pulling itself apart. The light soon fades and exposes Skylar's tiny beating heart. She doesn't bleed or anything, it's just an open wound.

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