Chapter twenty-five- Daniel

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Eyeless Jack's P.O.V

"C'mon!" I call as I walk down the trail with Wren carrying Skylar behind me. I turn to her, "do you need me to take Sky for a little while? It must be hard since you're nine months pregnant and all," I say.

Wren is panting a little bit, "yeah..." she talks in between breaths. "I think that'd be great,"

I take Skylar and carry her over my shoulder. Wren soon catches up without the extra weight she has to carry around. For nine months she's huge. I'm kind of guessing this is going to be a big baby.

It doesn't really matter to me wether it's a boy or a girl, I'm just glad Skylar will have another playmate. But Wren and I agreed that we should let the baby's gender be a surprise. Sure it would've been easier to pick a name if we'd let Slendy tell us the gender, but surprises are good sometimes.

"Ah, we're here!" I say when we reach the proper spot.

"Where is "here" exactly?" Wren asks.

I put Skylar on the ground and kneel down. I find the chain in the dirt and pull on it. A secret door opens from the ground and I pick up Skylar again. I step down the ladder and it creaks.

"Be careful!" Wren yells at me.

"Come on down! It's not that long of a ladder, not to mention I need to show you something. I could also say be careful to you as well, so be careful!" I say teasingly.

"Ugh, fine!" Wren starts climbing down the ladder as well.

"Don't worry, I'll catch you if you fall." I say.

"You're also carrying our daughter if you hadn't realized!" she spits back. "Sorry, these stupid fucking hormones are just making me mad,"

"It's no problem. We're almost to the bottom anyways,"

I reach the bottom and Wren steps down a few seconds later. I turn on a lamp and the space in front of us lights up. I'm able to find the light switch and the whole underground bunker we're in lights up.

"What is this place?" Wren asks.

"This, it the underground bunker that was built by Slender Man when he wanted to have other Creepypastas live here. It was mainly build just in case outsiders would be able to find all of us; which is highly unlikely, but could still happen." I explain. "But most of us just keep belongings we don't want down here,"

"And you brought me here because..?" she asks.

"Because I need to show you something." I answer.

I lead her down the long dug-out room. I find the box with my name written on it and open it. I put Sky down and pull out the the cassette tapes at the top. I hold them out to Wren and she gives me that 'there's no way you're fucking serious' look. She takes them and studies them.

"There's no way in hell you still have these." she says. "You kept our old Green Day tapes?! You kept all of our music tapes!" she says. "Why?"

"I thought it would make me feel better to have something to remind me of you when I left... it didn't really. So I put them down in here when I arrived in this forest. They made me feel like an even worse person, so I couldn't help but hate myself knowing that I left you behind and those tapes just made it worse." I say.

"I see..." she says distantly.

"Ow!" she gasps.


"The baby kicked me!" she yells. "We should probably get home. I'm too close to giving birth and I don't want to be out for too long just in case I go into labour while we're out of the house,"

"Alright, that makes sense. Let's go," I say.

We walk back to the house and Wren gasps a few times. I ask if she's alright but she just snaps at me and says that she's fine. Maybe it just the cold getting to her, every little thing seems to be pissing her off lately.

When we're inside the house I hear Wren yell "just get this thing out of me!"

It's been a long day for Skylar, so I put her to bed and go to comfort Wren. She's sitting in a dining chair so I go and sit in my chair in my chair in the living room. I invite her over here and she sits on my lap, facing me.

"This is only a temporary thing, y'know. But think of it as amazing because you're growing a person, inside of your person," I say.

She laughs and I kiss her forehead. She rests her head on my shoulder and I turn my head to kiss her neck. We soon fall into a heavy make out session and I kiss her more passionately, deeper and rougher by the second. We both breathe heavily but that doesn't stop us from still going at it.

We both decide to head go bed at the same time. Wren falls asleep in my arms and I soon find myself asleep as well.


I hear a familiar scream of pain and open my eyes. It's Wren! She's sitting up in bed holding her stomach and just screaming. "Is it time?" I ask.

She nods so I pick her up and take her out to the living room. I sit her in my chair and go to get some blankets. I lay one out on the floor and lay her on it. She already knows what to do so I let her do her part and wait there, holding her hand.


"Am I almost done?!" Wren yells, pain shaking her voice.

I check to see. "You just need to get the feet out, then I can finish it off, okay?" I say.


She pushes harder than I remember her pushing with Sky. Speaking of our daughter, I hear her crying because she wants to go back to sleep but she can't with the sound of her mother screaming and crying. "C'mon, you're almost done. And think of it this way, after this if you want, we don't have to have any more kids!" I say.

"That would be awesome!" she replies.

Since the baby's toes are still stuck in there I tenderly pick up the baby in my arms and gently pull it out. I take a knife and I cut the cord holding the mother and child together. It's a little boy, I have a son.

"It's a boy, Wren!" I say excitedly.

"Do you want it to be the name you liked?" she asks.

"If you like the name, we can name him that,"

"So now we have a little Daniel," she says.

I wrap up my son in a blanket and hand him to Wren. She checks to see if he has the same scar as Skylar, when it's proven he doesn't, she smiles. At least we'll have one child who doesn't have to suffer the same fate as Skylar. That makes me glad.

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