Chapter twenty-one- First Sentance

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Eyeless Jack's P.O.V

"Da!" Skylar squeals as I tickle her tiny stomach. Her little eyes light up and she laughs hysterically. We've been home alone for a few hours since Wren went out to visit Scarlett and the triplets.

A moment or so later, Skylar squeals loudly, painfully, almost like and injured and scared animal. Did I play too rough? "Da!" she cries.

"What is it?" I whisper.

"It hurt, da!" she cries loudly. "It hurt!"

"What hurts?" I ask, panic rising in my chest. Skylar doesn't say anything so I help her sit up. She holds the spot over her heart and cries in agony.

"Oh, shit!" I pause. "Oh no... oh no no no no!"

Once again, the blinding white light shines in the room. I pull the collar down on her shirt and find just what I've feared but still expected. Her flesh is splitting open again. I lay her back down and she cries more and louder as the X-shaped scar continues to pull farther and farther apart.

Once the light fades, I decide to look at the wound. It's quite different this time. Last time it didn't bleed or anything, but now the entire thing is oozing the black mucus that once covered only half her heart mixed with what I think is blood. Her tiny heart beats rapidly inside her visible rib cage. The heart is beating way too fast.

I need to call Wren! I jump up and run to the phone. I dial Jeff's number and Scarlett answers. "Hello?" she asks.

"Hey Scarlett. It's me, I need to talk to Wren like right now!" Scarlett probably heard the panic in my voice so she quickly calls Wren over.

"Jack?" Wren asks.

"Yeah, it's me. It's Skylar, her scar just split open again and it's way different. It's oozing and it just won't stop!"

"Oh, fuck! Okay I'll be there in about five minutes!" Wren hangs up and I do the same.

I kneel back down beside my beautiful little girl and take her tiny hand into mine. "It's gonna be alright, baby girl. I promise it'll be okay,"

Wren bursts through the door and comes over to me. She kneels down and puts her head to the floor, tears rushing down her face. "My baby!" she cries out. "I don't want her to suffer, but I don't want her to die! Please just make it stop!"

For the rest of the time Skylar cries until the wound is closed, we both sit there. I hold back tears while Wren just lets them fall. When Skylar's wound finally closes up, she falls unconscious and breathes normally. I put her in her crib and turn off the light. I hate seeing her in pain.

I make something to eat for Wren and I. We eat in complete silence and afterwards Wren just heads to our room. I do the dishes and head to the room as well to see what she's up to. I look in to find her laying on the bed, just staring up at the ceiling.

I lay down beside her and she curls up into my chest. I feel my shirt becoming wet as she bawls her eyes out. I kiss the top of her head and she digs her head farther into my chest.

What could I possibly say to make her feel better? Oh yeah that's right, nothing. There's absolutely nothing I can say to make this seem like a bit of a better situation. It's terrible, it's probably one of the shittiest situations a parent can be in!

I turn my head and look at my mask on the nightstand. I turn my head back the other way and put my face into Wren's hair. I close my eyes "I'm sorry." I whisper to her. Now that I think of it, was it really for her? For me? Or can I just not bare to look at my daughter and say it?

I feel Wren nod.

"Look," I say as I put my hands on her cheeks and sort of pull her face upwards. "she'll be okay for whatever time she may get in her life. I'll make sure of it!"

I kiss her lips and rub her now quite long yet silky hair. I wipe her pretty face with the sleeve to my hoodie. She holds my hand to her cheek and then takes it off but doesn't let go.

"I love you, Jack," she whispers. "I love you."

"I love you more." I whisper back.

"I don't want my baby die." she continues whispering in a grave voice.

"I know. But we will make it thought this, and when her time comes, no matter how heartbroken we may be, we will still make it." I say.

"Another thing is that I don't want her to grow up alone, but if she gets a sibling, she may just leave the kid brokenhearted as well," she still whispers.

"We'll help them cope as well if that becomes a circumstance."

The full moon that is now completely out, shines into the room. The silvery light illuminates the whole room. It makes Wren's hair go from brown-red to almost as silver as the light.

I pull her closer to me once more and I listen to her breathe. She turns her head and puts her ear to my chest like she does most nights now; I guess she listens to my heartbeat. "What would I do without you?" she asks, half asleep.

"You don't have to worry about that anymore." I answer. "But if you ever need me, I'll be there in a heartbeat."

After that, Wren falls asleep. I then just realize we're still in our daytime clothes. Oh well, it won't kill us. I continue to stroke Wren's hair, I don't really know why, but it seems to be calming her down.

I still can't believe that Skylar's first sentence-like thing was to tell me she was in pain. It should've been something happy for me to listen to. Not something to inform me that my daughter is hurting. Why did it this have to happen to our child? It's completely not fair; but then again, life's not fair. I'll just need to make sure she can live as much of a life as she can with half a soul and having her chest split open every now and again.

But still her first sentence! Now I'm going to have to think about that in memories of her for well... ever. I kiss Wren on the forehead and close my eyes before falling asleep as well.

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