Author's Note

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Hey, guys!

HAPPYKAT102 here! This is an author's note so it can only mean one thing: sadly, Can't Escape Your Past has come to an end and this is the very last update I will put on it. But there is a saying that says all good things must come to an end. (Well, if you found my book good that is!)

I just want to say thank you for putting up with my awkward spacing between chapter releases and for sticking around this long to make it to my little note. I really have to admit that I didn't know this fan fiction would even come close to as many reads as it did. I was happy when I got five reads, but by the time I write this there'll probably be almost way over five hundred! I can't thank all of you enough.

But before I get sidetracked, I'm going to tell you there WILL in fact be a sequel. It'll be called Hiding Murderers (Sequel of Can't Escape Your Past) and will be through mostly the perspective of a teenage Skylar. I'll probably have the first chapter done and ready to upload within a few weeks; so all of you who may be on the edge of your seats waiting for it, your waiting will not be in vain! It would mean a whole lot to me if Hiding Murderers could get as if not more reads than Can't Escape Your Past.

Now it's time for me to get a bit sidetracked from this series of fan fictions, and onto another fan fiction! So first I'm just gonna say that I have a problem. I really need some help, your help/input no less:

Since most of you probably don't know, I'm a HUGE Attack on Titan fan. "Never heard of it." some of you guys will probably say; and if you haven't heard of it, it's an amazing yet death-filled and bloody manga/anime and I'd suggest watching and or reading the series. And if you have heard of it, well good for you! Anyways, I really want to write an AoT fan fic. I would like there to be a romance between one of my main characters and an actual character from the series. But now I can't choose between Captain Levi or Commander Erwin. I already have a title (Bloody Love (An Attack on Titan Fan Fiction)) and a bit of a plot set out, but this is going to be a MAJOR part of this book. So please help me out here.

So when you have your final vote either message me on Wattpad or leave it in the comments for this update. Whichever name between Levi or Erwin is chosen most, wins. But to see the winner I have to decide wether to comment on this or just make you wait until I release that chapter of the book (because I'm evil?) I have one chapter to this book written now and it's just an introduction-like thing for right now. But don't worry, you have two weeks from this date (Friday July 18, 2014) to cast your vote.

Oh and I probably should mention that everyone who votes can give me their first name (only) I can give you a last name, you can tell me wether you want one or not, don't worry, and you will be a soldier mentioned in my book. Just fill out the criteria I leave below:

Vote: (Levi or Erwin)

Your First Name (optional):

Your Military Branch: (Training Corps, Survey Corps, Garrison or Military Police Brigade)

Your Character's Age: (over 15 years of age)

Date of Vote Entry:

(And please, be serious)

So once again, thank you for reading Can't Escape Your Past. And keep a lookout for when I release the first chapter of Hiding Murderers. Don't forget to cast your vote for the romance in my Attack on Titan fan fiction! You all are wonderful people! pece!



P.S. ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!! B)

(Quick change added on July 30th, 2014: chapter 1 of Hiding Murderers is out now! Chapter 2 COMING SOON WITH MORE TO COME!!!!)

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