Chapter fourteen- My Great Escape

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Wren's P.O.V

I didn't sleep a single wink last night. I sat on my bed and stared out the window at nothing in particular. I've been trying to plan how I'm gonna escape later. I sit in the car now, just looking at cars as we drive by.

We pull up at the clinic. I feel tears welling up in my eyes, I will not cry. I can't, not here. Mom unlocks the car and gets out; I do not.

She gets back in and says "if you don't get out, I will call the detective to talk with you,"

I don't answer.

Mom pulls out her cellphone and dials a number. She asks for Baker, then after a few moments says hello. She tells why she's phoning and then hands me the phone.

"Hello?" I say in a rude voice.

"Wren, you know this is for the best," he says.

"I don't care Baker! This is my life to live, and I'm eighteen. I won't let people control my every living minute anymore!"

"Please just get the abortion. You'll just throw your life away having this baby," he says.

"That's not true!" I yell. "And one other thing I have to state: you don't even know me! Stop acting like you do for fucks sake!"

"Just listen to your mother," he says. "In a while you can easily try again to have a baby. Just not-" I hang up.

I can't have another baby with who I want if I'm stuck here and locked in my house! No one understands! I will not let this happen.

I give my mom her phone and she exits the car again. She opens my door and forces me to get out. My hands shake so much as I'm entering the building I clench my fists. I sit down in a waiting room chair and try not to burst into tears.

Mom confirms that I've arrived at the reception desk. She then sits beside me. "This is for the best. Especially for you," she says.

"No!" I whisper angrily. "This is what's best for you. Never me in these past few hours,"

She just stops talking.

Five minutes or so later, a middle aged woman holding a clipboard walks into the waiting room. "Wren?" she asks.

I get up and walk slowly over to her. "You're Wren?"

I nod.

She leads me through a door and down a long hallway with plenty of other doors. She stops at one near the end and I enter. I leave my shoes at the door on a shoe mat.

"Okay, well we're going to need you to take off your clothes and put on one of these gowns," she says. She leaves a gown on the chair that I guess they do the abortions in. "And I'm your nurse today. My name's Jeneane," Jeneane leaves the room.

I strip quickly and put on the gown. The thing that sucked about it is that I had a hard time tying it at the back. I sit down in the long chair and it leans back as soon as I do so. I will not cry. I will not cry.

The doctor comes in a little while later. He says hello as Jeneane follows him with a cart of some strange tools, I really only recognize the syringes. The doctor moves my legs into the proper positions; and when he's finally ready, he takes a syringe.

At that exact moment, adrenaline kicks into my whole body. I kick out my left leg from its bent position and hit the doctor. I jump up from the chair and take his needle, and plunge it into his arm. He cries out in pain as I turn to Jeneane. "Please don't hurt me!" she cries.

I smack her upside the head four times and it knocks her unconscious. I go back to the doctor and punch him in the face continuously until I'm satisfied. But I know he's not gonna die, so I don't really care. I get back in my clothes and leave the room, closing the door behind me.

I run towards the end of the hall at the emergency exit. I push through the door and into the pale sunlight. I look around to gather my surroundings. Once I know where I'm going I sprint towards the woods.

When I finally reach the woods, I'm still sprinting. I'm out of breath but I will not stop. I see Jack's cabin. I slow down a little bit but not so slow I'm walking.

By the time I've reached the door, everything seems to spin. I blink rapidly to make it stop. But before I know it, I can't see anything at all and my senses all slowly fade. But all I know now is that I've hit the ground, hard.

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