Chapter twelve- My New Life

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Wren's P.O.V

Has anyone noticed I've gone? How has everyone reacted? I think life will be fine there without me. I'll fade into a distant memory, a wisp of one really, sooner or later. Just like everything else.

I'm laying on a fallen tree in a patch of sun, about a five minute walk from the house. Of course people've noticed I'm gone! I think to myself. I've been gone for three fucking months!

I close my eyes and soak up the pale sun. What's it like here in the winter? Maybe the air is a bit crisper. It doesn't really get too cold here.

And I gladly spent my eighteenth birthday here about two weeks ago. The Creepypastas threw me a party by some large rocks in the middle of Slender's forest. It was awesome!

I hear Jack call from the cabin that dinner's ready. I get up and my bare feet get covered in dew as I run through the underbrush. When I reach the cabin I almost run right into him. He catches me and I look up at his masked face. "You don't have to wear that thing," I say. "We're in our own home,"

"I'm just ugly that's all," he says.

"We've been over this already, I'm not gonna say it again. But the scars just add more detail to your life. And you are most definitely not ugly, it's all inner beauty," I explain.

We go and eat dinner side-by-side. It was rabbit meat mixed with two packets of noodles; so in a way it was an adaptation to rabbit stew... I guess. I like how we alternate weeks for cooking, I never get tired of Jack's. I myself am not a very good cook.

When I'm finished eating I clean the dishes and leave them to dry. I walk to the bathroom and brush my teeth and remove my makeup. It's still a little saddening that the summer's gone. What is it now? I think. Oh, yes. It's almost the end of September!

I go to the bed that Jack and I now share and sit down. I turn my head and look out the draped window. The sun sets pretty quickly now, it kind of sucks. So now the moonlight just streams into the room.

I flop backwards on the mattress and puff up my cheeks. I blow all of the air out my mouth and close my eyes. The floorboards creak as Jack walks around and finally goes into the bathroom to take a shower. The shower may be cold, but it still gets us clean.

A few minutes later the shower stops. And I hear Jack walk into the bedroom. I look up and see he's wearing a towel. But of course, the stupid mask.

I stand up and walk over to him. I take off the mask and look at his moonlit face. I kiss his lightly scarred lips. I close my eyes and we wrap our arms around each other. By now I'm not even sure if his towel is still around his waist, I can't recall if he was holding it up or not.

Jack takes his lips off mine and gives me a questioning look. I just nod and smile a little. "Are you sure?" he asks.

"If you are, I am. And this is a way I can now completely escape the last fragment of my old life," I answer.

We climb onto the bed and continue to kiss. I sit on top of him and only break when I need air. My heart pounds and my hands shake in nervousness and fear. What'll happen when we're done?

Oh well. I guess I'll have to wait for the future. It'll come when it comes.

Jack flips us over. He unzips my sweater cautiously exposing my t-shirt, waiting to see if I don't want to. That's one of the things I like about him most: he's always thinking of how I feel. We continue kissing, but most of that night soon just turns into a quick blur.

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