Chapter sixteen- My Baby

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Wren's P.O.V

Well, I've stopped throwing up. It feels good. But I'm still pregnant, it's been about a month. Slender's gonna check out what's going on in there later today.

Actually... it should be pretty soon

The one sad thing about my life now is that I've been having panic attacks lately. Lots of the time, they're pretty severe. I'll just curl up on the floor and scream, wishing I could escape my own skin and fly away. They normally consist of memories of Jack and I as children; but sometimes it's just my memories of fear when I was captured and as I escaped.

In the end Jack always comes for me to pull me out of that dark cave of memories and feelings. He says he'll always be there for me... always right here. That's why I need him.

But I've always been afraid of falling in love I guess. I don't know what's going to happen in the future. What if things go wrong? Where will I go then? What'll happen to my baby?

I still have the bruise and marks from that fucking tazer. I feel the two little holes in my skin where the pokers entered my skin. I have really sensitive skin so the electric shock gave me a bit of a burn.

I hear a light knock on the door. Must be Slender Man. I get off the bed and walk over to Jack, who's sleeping on his cushioned chair. I'm so glad to see he's not wearing his mask.

I kiss him on the cheek and he wakes up. "Hey. Wake up," I say. "Slendy's here,"

He jumps up. "Oh, god!" he says. "Okay, I gotta go get my mask on. Can you answer the door?"


I walk the few steps to the door and open it. Slender Man is standing there and I motion for him to come in. He has to duck pretty low to get through the door. It makes me laugh to myself but I can't help but feel bad for his tallness.

Jack then enters the living room, adjusting the straps on the back of his mask. "Hey, Slendy!" he says. "Did I miss anything?"

"No," he answers. "I did just get here!" he chuckles.

We spend a few minutes talking about my pregnancy. My eating habits especially. Food... come to think of food, I am pretty hungry; I haven't eaten in like two hours.

"Alright, can you lay down on the floor, Wren?" asks Slender.

I nod and lay on the wooden floor. Slender Man kneels beside me and points to my shirt-covered stomach. "Do you mind if I..." he says.

"Feel free," I answer.

He pulls up my shirt to about the bottom of my rib cage. I cringe as my stomach touches the cold October air that made its way into the house. "Sorry," he says.

"It's fine, Slender," I say.

Slender puts his hands on my stomach and feels around. He pressed lightly and his face that has literally nothing on it gets a weird and puzzled look on it. He finds the tazer mark on my hip and looks at me.

"What?!" I ask, a flutter of panic beginning to rise up my throat.

"What are these marks? I think I know, but it'd be better if I heard it from you," he says.

"It was a tazer." I answer flatly. "Why?"

Slender Man's body shifts and cracks. He turns into a guy that's a bit shorter than he is in his creature form, still tall just the same. But now he has a face. It shows a sad expression and stares into my eyes.

"The tazer did something to it..." he begins. "It's alive, but the tazer has led me to believe that something is going on. Something just... didn't seem right in there,"

I am too shocked to say anything. I look over to Jack and he seems the same way. I sit up and look back at Slender. "Can you at least tell me if it's a boy or a girl?"

"It's a girl. And I can't completely say something is wrong; but children are something I specialize in, me being Slender Man and all," he says.

I look down at my stomach. "I think I should go," says Slender.

"Yes," says Jack. "Thank you, though,"

"If you need any help, you know where to find me." he then leaves without another word.

I put my head in between my knees and cry. "My baby..." I whisper.

Jack comes up behind me and crouches as well. "Hey..." he says. "It's gonna be okay... I promise,"

"A promise is what I made to this baby that I'd keep her safe," I say.

He can't even answer that.

"My baby..!" I begin. "My baby! My baby! My baby!" I scream over and over and over again.

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