Chapter four- The Party

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Wren's P.O.V

The rest of the week passed pretty quickly. Everyone was anticipating the big party at Crystal's place. I'm pretty sure almost all of the senior students were invited. And now it's Friday and I still have no outfit picked out.

I check my alarm clock: it's already 5:45 pm! Shit. I still need to shower, pull of some regular non-slutty makeup scheme, get dressed, and make sure I'm ready to go all by 7:20 pm, for fuck's sake! Alright, maybe I can get this done if I use my time wisely.

I go through my closet and pick out a black and white striped tank top, and jean shorts. I bring it all over to my bathroom and take a quick shower. When I get out the air is freezing and I feel more memories coming back.

I let the memories wash over me; I fell to the floor from the pain wanting to burst my head apart. The memories are normally always happy at first, then it gets to the sad bits. Always.

It ends quickly and I recover. I pick up my towel-wrapped body off the floor with shaky legs. I dry off and get into my outfit of choice.

I dry my hair and do my regular makeup job. But this time I'm feeling generous to the girls just enough tonight to put on some lip gloss. I pin my side-bangs to the left with a pin. But I've forgotten one thing.

I run to my room and grab my best friends necklace. Jack had the other piece, mine is shaped like a skull and his was shaped like the crossbones. We'd had them custom made and engraved. His said my name on the back and mine says his. I've always at least kept it in a safe place in my room if I wasn't wearing it.

I put it on in my room and grab my black swimsuit since it is a pool party. Ugh Crystal, she's one of those popular rich kids like they've got in the movies. Her house is huge, her property is huge. Not to mention she probably has the biggest pool anyone would ever see in their lives. I'll just leave it as: the girl has it all.

I put the string bikini in my small backpack. I put on my gladiator-style sandals, grab my phone, and go to wait outside. Mom stops me before I get to the front door.

"When are you going to be home?" she asks.

"If I'm not back before midnight, then you should worry. But I'll try and be home by 11:30ish,"

"Alright,"she says. "Have fun!"

I walk out the front door and wait on the porch steps for about ten minutes until Craig pulls up in his red mustang. "Hey!" he says.

"Hi!" I answer back. I get into the shotgun seat and he drives away.

We sit in some silence with the occasional conversation until we reach Crystal's giant-assed house. I get out and Craig goes to park down the road. I knock on the door and already hear the music booming in the house and in the backyard. The only reason she was able to pull this party off is because her parents are gone for the next few weeks in Venezuela or something.

Crystal opens the door and the music gets even louder and I can finally tell what song it is: Lucky Strike by Maroon 5. She takes me inside with a huge smile on her face. Kinda like her house. I check my phone for the time. Okay, it's 7:33 pm; that leaves me three and a half hours or so to have fun.

Craig walks in a few minutes later and joins his football buddies. I look outside to see the giant pool with probably thirty people or so in it. I tell Crystal that I'm going to get my bikini on. I really hate bikinis, they make me feel self conscious even though I really have nothing to worry about.

I walk to the bathroom and put on the frickin' eyepatch for a bikini top and bottoms. Why did the girls tell me to get this?! I throw my shirt and shorts back over it, but I leave the necklace on. I walk outside to the pool.

I decide to just sit outside the pool since there's WAY too many people in it right now. I can hear the football team inside, they're probably drunk already. The last time I saw them, they were seeing who could drink the most beer in two minutes. And now they're a whole lot louder.

Just then, I hear them running over behind where I'm sitting. They yell at each other in the way you probably would when drunk. They all surround me and I look up at them. "You guys are drunk, aren't you?" I ask.

"Yeah," one of them says. "It feels real good too."

Craig steps out of the circle and I can tell he's pretty drunk as well. He scoops me up and jumps into the pool with me in his arms. I'm still pretty much fully clothed so this does not make me very happy. He drops me so I can stand up. "You dick!" I yell. "I've gotta go home in these!" we both start laughing. But before I can even react, his lips are on mine.

I try to struggle away but he holds me tightly close. And he brings us under water as he still kisses me. I feel him roughly going up my shirt with his hand until I swat it away. He lets go and I jump up to the surface.

"What the fuck was that?!" I yell at him.

"C'mon, y'know you want it," he says.

"No-no I don't!" I answer. "You're drunk, so now you can't think straight!"

By now everyone is looking at us, watching me argue with a drunk man. I don't even really know what's going on anymore. I decide to just get out of the pool.

I dry off, grab my stuff and tell Crystal I'm leaving. I try to get to the front door but Craig and some of his buddies block my way. They must've caught up while I grabbed my things. "You're not leavin' are ya?" he asks.

"Yes," I say. "Now get out of my way."

They don't move. But Craig does in fact get a little closer. So I shove him to the ground and walk over him to the front door. I leave and walk a few blocks. I pull out my phone and call a cab. Good thing I brought money I guess.

The cab comes quickly and I just get in and tell him my address and to take me there. He does and I pay him. I exit the taxi and walk up to my house and unlock the door. I head inside to see my parents utterly shocked that I'm home so early.

"Why are you home, dear?" mom asks.

I decide to lie: "it was really boring." I go upstairs and get into some comfortable clothes, brush my teeth and go to bed. Maybe the rest of the weekend will be better...

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