Chapter fifteen- Not Right

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Eyeless Jack's P.O.V

Ever since I got that phone call from Wren yesterday I've been completely nervous. I waited here just incase she was able to escape and get back here. So now I just sit in my chair, waiting in complete silence.

I thought I heard something outside the cabin and slowly get up to see what it is. I look out the few windows I have and there's nothing. I guess that scratches Jeff off the list. What could it be?

I open the front door and am shocked by what I see. It's a girl. The same girl who always stood up for me when we were children. The girl who maroon-coloured hair. My Wren.

"Wren!" I yell.

She doesn't reply and is just laying on the ground. So by that I assume she's unconscious. She doesn't even twitch when I poke her shoulder.

I pick her up bridal style and carry her back in though the door. She's sweaty, but cold. Really cold. September has been pretty cold so far, only the rare warm days with a subtle amount if sunlight; today was not one of those days.

I place her in our bed and pull the covers over her. I go back the the living room and light as big of a fire my tired body can muster. I haven't slept since she called me from the police station. I head back to the bedroom and get under the covers myself.

Wren is covered in sweat so I'm just guessing she's been running pretty fast for a while. I sit her up in the bed and take off her soaked black sweater. I decide to give her some respect and and leave her in the rest of her drenched clothes.

I take off my sweater, leaving me in my black t-shirt and jeans, and put it around her shoulders. She doesn't even move when do this. I just hope she doesn't get sick or anything. But I'm not so sure of what's going to happen because she's been wanting to eat a lot lately and she's thrown up almost every day. I'm kind of worried.

I bring us back under the covers and pull her close. I then remember the mask is still on my face, and it is pretty cold. So I take it off and place it on the bedside table.

I kiss her on the forehead and close my eyes. I listen to her dull breathing with worry. I open my eyes again and place my head on her chest, and listen to her heartbeat. I move my head up off her chest, but I can still hear the heartbeat; and I let it lull me to sleep.


My eyes open so quickly it feels like they've jumped awake. I look over at Wren's pretty face. She's still asleep, and I have no idea if she's woken up since we I fell asleep around noon. But I'd really have to doubt it though with how tired of a state she seemed to be in.

I see a good sign that she is no longer unconscious, but asleep. The corners of her mouth and fingers twitch like she always does when she's sleeping. I smile.

I swear only a few seconds later, she jumps awake and into a sitting up fetal position. She breathes rapidly. "They're coming for me!" she yells in fear. "They're coming for me!"

I grab her shoulders to comfort her but she struggles. "Don't you fucking touch me!" she screams at me.

"Hey hey hey hey!" I say soothingly. I turn her towards me. "It's just me,"

She collapses into my chest and I put my arms around her trembling body. She begins to cry. "Jack-" she begins. "They tried to... they tried to..."

"Ssh ssh ssh," I whisper, rubbing her back. "It's alright, baby. I got you,"

Wren's tears soak the front of my shirt and she just keeps on crying. It's been so long of just hearing her fearful cries I don't even think she's got any more tears left. I kiss the top of her head and leave my face to linger there and I just close my eyes.


It's not until over two hours later that Wren was able to pull herself together. But now she just sits in the bed, staring distantly out the window. She will say the odd answer to simple questions every now and again. But if I ask what the hell happened, she just stops talking. So I won't ask anymore; I'll give her time to tell me on her own.

I'm in the kitchen making a packet of noodles when I hear her voice. "Jack?" she asks.

"I'll be there in a sec!" I answer.

I take the pot off the element and turn off the stove. I walk to the bedroom and see she's not looking out the damn window anymore. "You called?" I say.

She turns her head and stares those blue-green eyes into my blue one. "I-I have something to tell you..." she says.

"You can tell me anything,"

"I..." she begins.

"What is it?"

"I'm pregnant," she answers.

A wave of shock passes over me. Pregnant? How is this possible? Y'know what. That isn't important now. I need to be there and support her, no matter what.

I love her. And that will never change.

"Is it mine?" I ask.

"Who's else would it be?" she snaps.

"Well... that makes sense I guess," I answer. "Do you think you can tell me what happened in town now?"

"I was found by the cops." she says. "I guess people were looking for me. This one asshole of a detective told my mother I was pregnant after he was asking me so many questions. After my parents picked me up and took me 'home', I went to my room and my mother came in and told me I was getting an abortion! The next day I was at the clinic and I beat up the doctor and my nurse. After that, I ran. I can still remember the feeling of fear running through my body as I fled!" she stops and begins crying again.

"Hey, look it's okay. You're safe now; and I'll protect you," I say, rubbing her back again. "But that's not right,"

"What?" she asks, looking up at me.

"It's not right that you were going to be forced to destroy a little spark of life before it could burst into flame,"

Wren nods.

"I love you," I say soothingly. "That'll never change."

"You, too." she says.

I sit beside her in the bed and put my arm around her. Wren puts her head on my shoulder and I kiss her head. I inhale her sweet scent, even after she was so sweaty after I found her, she still smells as nice as she always does.

Wren breathes out to calm down. She seems a bit better now. So that makes me feel better.

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