Chapter thirteen- Caught

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Wren's P.O.V

That night incident was a week and a half ago. Jack and I didn't talk about it after that, nor did we do anything like it since. But I've been throwing up since a day after and I'm starting to worry a little bit.

I need to be sure there's nothing in there. We need food anyways, so I could just make one of my rare and risky trips into town. I'll get a pregnancy test and food; then leave.

I get some hiking boots on and lace them up. I change out of my pyjamas and into some jeans and a black hoodie. Jack's just waking up as I leave the room. "You look in a hurry," he says groggily.

"I need to go to town and get some... things," I say.

"Okay, well Slender Man just installed our own secret phone number out here. I've got a phone here, so just call it if you get in a tight spot,"

Jack writes the number on one of the small pieces of paper on the bedside table. He hands it to me and I put it in my backpack. I put the bag on my shoulder, kiss Jack on the top of the head and leave.

When I reach the town I put my hood over my head. Since I grew up here it's pretty easy to remember where everything is. I walk quickly to the local drugstore with my head down. When I get there I look for the aisle that should seem promising to have some testers.

I go down that aisle and find just what I'm looking for. There are the cheap ones that I learned in class don't normally tell the truth, and then there's the really expensive ones that are probably 99.9%, most of the time correct. I know I've got lots of money that I took with me when I disappeared three months ago so I take the most expensive box there is. It better be worth it!

I go to the till and purchase them and ask the lady working if there's a bathroom I could use. She points to the very back of the store and I head in that direction. I lock the door behind me when I enter.

I use the only tester in the box and try it. Twenty bucks for one!? I wait a minute or so before even looking at it. Because I know that whatever is on this, may change my life forever.

When I look at the result I feel like I might just throw up for the second time that day. I know that plus is positive and minus is negative. And the result is... positive!

I drop the little contraption onto the ground and just try to hold back tears. "Get it together!" I whisper.

I get up and wash my hands. I drop the test into the garbage and exit the entire building all together. I just try to clam myself with my hood over my head as I walk to the little market that's closest to the woods.

I reach the market and walk past the counter. The man working there stares at me. When he thinks I'm out of earshot he picks up the phone behind the counter. "Hello?" he asks quietly.

I stop to listen.

"Yes, there is a suspicious person at David's Market. Could you please hurry?"

I then continue walking. Oh shit! I'd better make this quick!

It's about five minutes later when I hear some loud men come into the building. I can really just hear them ask the clerk some inaudible questions. I only hear their loud, questioning murmuring.

I hear their boots on the squeaky floor before I even see them. "Miss, could you please stop what you're doing, and turn around?"

I say nothing. I only drop my shopping basket and run. I sprint in my comfortable hiking boots through the aisles, spilling things off the shelves as I go.

But soon, what appears to be a cop blocks one end of the aisle I'm running through. I turn around but two more cops are standing there. "Please... just let me go. I'll never come back here and it'll be normal!" I yell.

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