Chapter six- Meet Me There

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Wren's P.O.V

I decide to walk to school today. I don't really want to see the girls all day. I can't get over the joy that Jack, my childhood best friend has come back! I smile and continue my walk to school.

Once I've reached the school I see the girls already waiting for me. "Hey!" says Crystal. "I heard about what happened at my party. I'm SO sorry!"

"It's fine," I say, "he was drunk anyways. You don't think rationally when that happens." I finish simply.

"You seem a bit happier than normal. Why?" asks Tessa.

"Yeah," says Crystal. "Something's up. Did you meet someone already or what?"

"Ummmm..." I begin. "You can kinda say that..."

"Alright, we need details! DETAILS WOMAN!!!!" shouts Crystal.

"Okay, okay!" I shout back. "His name is Jack and he's in the same grade, doesn't go to our school, same age. You know that sort of thing?" I pause and continue, "and I wouldn't really consider us 'dating'; we're just good friends,"

"Mhm. Sure." Crystal answers. "Are you gonna go on a date at least?!"

I think about the question for a moment. "Well kind of, I guess. We're meeting after school,"

"OMG!.. You have to tell us more details after!" Jeanie exclaims.

"Yeah, finally our little Wrenie might say 'yes' to a boy!" Crystal says in complete glee.

"Okay," I say. "Yeah, sure,"


I went through the first half of my classes quickly. But then there came the dreaded lunch. The lunch where I now have to know that Craig is there.

I walk down to the lunchroom and don't stop for anything. I need to get this whole thing with Craig finished. As soon as I walk in there he is, standing there with a kind of embarrassed expression. Poor guy, I hope this runs smoothly.

I walk up to him and he jumps in surprise a bit. "Oh! Uhhhh..." Craig sputters.

"Sorry," I say. "Didn't mean to scare you."

"No," he says. "I shouldn't be the one that's sorry..."

"It's alright, Craig." I begin. "You don't have to be. What happened is in the past. We can't go back and fix it, but it can be patched up here and there."

"You really forgive me? After what I did to you?!"

"Yes." I nod. "But just, don't try that again."

"I-I won't!" he says. "And I will try and make it better. I promise, as a friend... if you still even want to call me that,"

"Yeah. I think we could still be friends." I answer.

I grab some lunch and join the girls at the table. Lunch went pretty well. I didn't talk to anyone very much; a simple comment on this or that every now and again. Our bell rang and we all walked back to class.

This means it's closer to when I can see Jack again! He really is charming; in his own scarred little way. Some may be scared of him, but he's quite handsome to me.

This strange feeling drops out of my stomach and I feel almost a release. A release of pure loneliness I guess. But the butterflies come to my stomach. Butterflies of joy and nervousness, and I can't help but smile on my way back to class.


The girls drive me home today. I might as well not be late for the meeting with Jack. I walk through the back lanes until I'm behind my large house. Looking around: no one's here yet. So I sit on the tough grass of the little sheltered back lane. I close my eyes.

Something touches my shoulder. It feels like a hand and I jump to my feet. Only to see the masked face of good ol' Jack. "You scared me!" I try to yell quietly.

"Sorry about that." he says, scratching the back of his head. His hood falls off and only now do I realize he completely buzzed off his hair. It actually suits him quite well. But he quickly pulls it back up.

I sit back down with my back against the fence and he does the same. It feels nice to have my old friend by my side again. We look at each others faces. Well, I'm actually looking at his mask. "You can take you mask off," I say. "It seems like you want to hide from me,"

"You shouldn't have to see my ugly face more than once,"

"I don't think you're ugly," I answer back."But I have a question: we're you really gonna kill cut me open that night in my room?"

Jack hesitates, but slowly answers "... yeah. But then I saw your diary with your name on it, and I just... couldn't." Jack pauses, "but I didn't. You're not mad, are you?"

"Me? Mad? Fuck no. Why would I be? You didn't cut me open. So I have no reason to be mad," I continue, "but there's that story online that you took some guy's kidney and killed his brother when he escaped. Is it true?"

"Y-yeah... it's true." he answers.

I only nod. I'm glad about his honesty; he never lied to me before. Why would he now?

"Can I show you something?" he asks.

"What kind of thing?" I ask in return.

"Something you can NEVER tell anyone... EVER."

"Sure," I say.

We get up, hold hands like a pair of friends would. And we walk through the back lanes. Headed to whatever this 'something' was...

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