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The story of the ancient species of the Fae; extremely beautiful, alluring, short, powerful, immortal and of course, the wings.

Well, the wings are a bit much. The wings were the real myth but everything else was true. Especially the immortality, except Fae's can die from Decapitation or having their heart ripped out.

The Fae's died years and years ago or so they thought...

Only one Fae lives, Serena of the royal blood of the Fae. Her ancestors ruled the Faes. So her last name is Fae to show her royal blood but she must hide. She did pretty well for most of her life.

Until a wizard showed up one day calling her out on her heritage and when she tried to leave, he stopped her and explained he came in peace and he needed her help...


Emilia Clarke as Serena Fae

AGE: Her immortality makes her not age but she grew to the age of 22 before stopping

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AGE: Her immortality makes her not age but she grew to the age of 22 before stopping

ABILITIES: Elemental Magic (she can utilize different elements as a form of magic), Telekinesis (she can influence/manipulate/move objects/matter with her mind), Mental Manipulation (when she touches someone she can make them do as she says), Survival Senses (her ancestors were killed so the last of them started to develop this ability and passed it on to her)

SKILLS: Swordsmanship, Archery, Throwing knives, and basic hand-to-hand combat.

FLAWS: She gets flashbacks of her ancestors when she sleeps, and, even though she is Immortal she can still die by Decapitation or Having her Heart ripped out. Her biggest flaw is her whole life she never used her powers, if she were to start this late in life, they'd be all over the place.

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