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    This flashback was different than all the others, it was just the Fae queen, she sat in her room, she wore a silk dress as she sat on the edge of her bed. This time, it wasn't a flashback, I mean, I was there. I felt like I was there. I could walk around...

    I walked over to the Fae Queen, that was when she turned to me making me stop in my spot and my eyes widened.

   "Can you see me?" I asked her.

    She nodded in an answer.

    "How?" I asked.

     "I wanted to talk to you," She answered.

      Okay, this is weird... I never thought I'd get to talk to her... 

     "About what?" I asked.

     She stood up, I noticed she was taller. How is that possible? Then she became short like me and then tall again.

    "How are you doing that?" I asked.

     She went back to her normal short size.

     "You're in Rivendell, with the Elves. They see you as their size. It's an ability of the Faes. It's funny how you know so little about us." She told me.

    "I would know if they saw me as their size," I said not believing her.

     "Really? That Wizard you're with knows, so does that Elf that you feel is Father-like to you." She told me. When she talked about Elrond, she seemed angry with me. 

    "You don't approve?" I asked.

     "None of your ancestors do, but, if we gave you sharp pains all the time, you would get overwhelmed and die. We can't have that." She shook her head. "But you want to know what we really don't approve of?"

    "Why can't you all just leave me alone?" I pleaded.

     "You'll never be rid of us, not even in death. Your mother was just like you. She hated us. She refused to get pregnant. So, we forced her. She was going to be the first of all of us that would survive after the baby is born. But, she took her life hoping that she'd get away from us. She was wrong." She explained.

    "No..." I shook my head, "no, my mother didn't take her life! She was killed by Orcs." I shouted at her backing up.

    "You're wrong, my dear girl." She reached out and touched my face, I have no idea how this is possible. "Faes have to breed with humans so they can have only Fae children. If you continue on with that Dwarf. We'll be forced to intervene." She threatened.

   I gasped at the threat as I pulled away from her, she just smiled at me.

   "You got my sword, you should know, that sword was used to kill me. My blood is literally stuck inside of it. If you follow down this path, you will die the same way. Killed by a Dwarf that you thought you were in love with." She told me.

    "What? Wait, you were in love with a Dwarf?" I asked and she just looked at me "the heir... You fell in love with him! He betrayed you, didn't he?" I asked.

    "Yes, and you will have the same fate if you don't walk away from that quest now." She ordered.

     I looked down, pondering the order. She could be right... But, I will not be bullied by a ghost who doesn't approve of who I fall for. Fili is not a betrayer!

    "Are you sure about that?" She asked...

     My eyes snapped open, why did she send me back right after that? Fili isn't a betrayer... I know he isn't...

The Last Fae II The Hobbit IIWhere stories live. Discover now