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     As the Eagles flew, the sky was bright as day and everyone was okay... Except for Thorin who was still passed out... Then, the Eagle with Thorin landed and put him down on a rock. They started to put all of us down as well.

    As I got off, I ran to Thorin, Gandalf was there, he touched Thorin's face and started to whisper something... Whatever it was, it worked and he woke up.

    "The Halfling?" Thorin asked referring to Bilbo.

    "It's alright, Bilbo is here. He's quite safe." Gandalf told him.

     Thorin started to get up but he needed help, Dwalin and Kili helped him stand as he looked at Bilbo. I just stood by Gandalf, looking at them, wondering what was about to happen.

    "You!" Thorin snapped like he was angry, "what were you doing? You nearly got yourself killed!" Thorin yelled at Bilbo. "Did I not say that you would be a burden? That you would not survive in the Wild? That you had no place amongst us?" Oh, okay that's a bit harsh. "I have never been so wrong in all my life." Thorin said as he hugged Bilbo.

    Everyone seemed a bit confused at first but they just smiled at the scene, some cheered at it. I smiled knowing that this is what normal feels like.

    "I am sorry that I doubted you," Thorin apologized.

     "No, I would have doubted me too," Bilbo said, "I'm not a hero or a warrior, not even a burglar." He told him.

     I looked and saw the Eagles flying away, I just watched. Honestly, the Eagles are so pretty and majestic. I'm so happy that I got see them up close like this...

     "Is that what I think it is?" Bilbo asked and I turned to see what he's looking at.

     "Erebor, the Lonely Mountain; the last of the great Dwarf Kingdoms of Middle Earth." Gandalf announced as we looked upon a far away mountain.

    "Our home," Thorin said.

    That was when I heard a bird's sound... "A raven!" Oin said and we all looked at it, "the birds are returning to the mountain!"

     "That, my dear Oin, is a thrush." Gandalf told him.

     "But we'll take it as a sign, a good omen." Thorin said smiling as he looked at Bilbo.

     "Your right, I do believe the worse is behind us." Bilbo said smiling as well.

     But, a part of me knew... It wasn't. We still had so much bad to get through... But it was a nice moment. No one wanted to ruin it...

     Everyone got ready to go when Thorin came up to me.

     "Dwalin told me what you did, you saved Bilbo and my life." Thorin spoke.

      "Well, I had to. I couldn't let you die before the quest is over." I joked, not knowing really what to say.

     "I thought of you as a distraction for Fili, bad news for him as well. I was wrong. I believe that you are good and that you are one of us. Just like, Fili had told me." He told me. "I know you never had a home. Like we lost ours. Once we get Erebor back, you can stay. You are welcome as if you are our kin." 

    I was surprised, I didn't expect Thorin to offer that. I mean, Fili said that he would but I didn't really believe him. I smiled at him. "Thank you, Thorin." I thanked him.

   Thorin smiled at me before walking to Balin to talk.

    I just smiled again as I put my sword back in its sheath, I didn't realize it was out. My senses told me someone was behind me, I turned and saw it was just Fili again.

   "Are you really still trying to sneak up on me?" I asked.

    "Maybe," Fili grinned at me, "I wanted to say I'm sorry that I kissed you in the Goblin City. It was probably inappropriate." He said.

    "Fili, don't say sorry." I stopped him, "if you don't remember. I kissed you back." I told him.

    "Oh, right." He said.

    "I'm glad I'm with you, you idiot." I said touching his arm before joining the others as we started to go down the rock...

    I didn't know how to feel, I liked Fili but my ancestor threatened him and me if I continued on with him. I don't want that to happen... What am I supposed to do?

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