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     The last time I saw Gandalf was a crossing ways, he had a letter for me. That was it. I remember when he explained what it is he needed my help with. It was an adventure to help the Dwarves reclaim their homeland and save who they are. Led by Thorin Oakenshield, son of Thrain; King under the mountain. A part of me wanted to say no because of the grudge I held against the Dwarves but instead, I put it aside and agreed.

     I was at a new Inn to stay the night in, I was downstairs having supper alone in a booth that was next to a window. It was raining outside. The rain doesn't affect me, actually, it's my favorite element. I feel connected to it. I think that's a Fae thing. 

    I was pulled out of my thoughts when my senses told me someone was at my booth. I looked over and saw a man, I had never seen him before. What did he want?

     "Can I help you?" I asked.

     "A letter from Gandalf, the Grey." He simply said as he put the letter in front of me. "Read it now." He ordered before walking away.

     I didn't question it, Gandalf had done this once before. I picked the letter up and I opened it:

It has been a while since we have last talked but the Adventure to reclaim Erebor is starting. 

If you are ready, come to the Shire, there is a map on the back of this letter. You'll find a Hobbit hole that will have a mark on the door.

Come if you are ready to reveal yourself to more than just me...

- Gandalf the Grey

     I pursed my lips as I nodded. I turned around the letter, the map was clear. I wasn't that far from the Shire... I'm ready.


     The journey to the Shire took about a day and as I road Mae through the village, all the Hobbits were in their homes. I'd like to visit here again maybe when this is all over. I heard Hobbits are merry people. 

    After a while of searching for this Hobbit hole that had the mark on the door, I finally found it. It wasn't as easy to find as Gandalf said. I'll probably chew him on it later.

    There were many ponies already outside of the home, I'm guessing the company is already here. I hopped off of Mae and I tied her up next to the others. I petted her fur once before walking to the door.

    I raised my hand and I knocked before waiting patiently. I heard someone's complaining as they approached the door, probably the owner. Gandalf doesn't like to give people a choice on this kind of thing. That was when the door swung open revealing a small man who I'm guessing is a Hobbit.

    "Can I... Help you?" The Hobbit asked he seemed like he was hoping I wasn't here for the same thing the others were here for.

   "Yes, this is the meeting place isn't it?" I asked.

   That was when Gandalf came into view, he smiled at me as the Hobbit looked at Gandalf with an annoyed look.

   "You made it," Gandalf said.

    I noticed the Hobbit's confused look.

    "I'm Serena, by the way. At your service." I bowed.

The Last Fae II The Hobbit IIWhere stories live. Discover now