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   Fire surrounded the castle as people screamed, outside the walls was a battle that showed that the Faes were losing. 

   A woman with a black cloak that covered her face slipped through the secret passageway, her pregnant stomach showing through her cloak as she got on a horse and rode it into the woods as fast as she could go...

    Half way through the ride, she had three riders behind her, she couldn't do her elemental magic or her telekinesis while she was pregnant so this was bad. But one plus of being a Fae, the Earth is loyal to her. 

   The trees moved and a branch broke off and hit the first rider. The other two riders were stunned by it. They stopped when a tree fell in front of them blocking their path. They watched as the woman kept riding.

    The top of the remaining riders grabbed his bow and armed it with a bow that had a certain crest on it before aiming and releasing it but it missed. The woman got out of sight...

    My eyes snapped open, it was that dream again... Why was her ancestor showing that one out of all the others? I sighed as I ran my hand through my hair. I'm not sure why I'm seeing that dream but forget trying to find out. It won't work, all the history books on the Faes existence was destroyed long ago. I am the last of it.

    I got up, I cleaned myself up before getting dressed//her outfit above//. I grabbed my bag before putting up my hood, I got a room at this Inn last night but its time to move on. 

    I went downstairs where the dining area was. It was full of people, I decided to ignore everyone and leave. I kept walking when I hit into someone's shoulder on accident.

    "I'm sorry," I mumbled looking at who it was, it was a man, not a man, a Dwarf. But, we were the same height. Thanks to being a Fae. But last time I checked Faes were taller than Dwarves by an inch. He must be taller than most of his kind. 

    "My apologies, miss." He said kindly.

    "You have a good day now," I told him before walking away.

     As I left, I couldn't help but think I had seen him before somewhere. But, where? I shook my head as I went outside. 

     The cold air hit me but it didn't really affect me thanks to my abilities, it was night time. I loved the night, its the best time to ride. I went to my pony; Mae, I started to untie her from the post when I heard someone behind me... I quietly took out my knife and I turned around ready to attack but my blade hit a staff.

    "Attack first, talk later? Nice trick." The man said, he was tall and he wore all gray and had a pointy hat... Wizard.

    "Wizard," I huffed as I put away my blade.

    "Why don't you come inside so we can talk?" The Wizard asked.

    "No, thank you." I refused as I untied Mae. I got on her and was ready to leave but the Wizard was in my way. "Move."

    "Is that any way to treat a friend?" He asked.

    "Your not a friend," I shook my head.

    "How am I not?" The Wizard asked.

     "I don't have friends." I answered before turning Mae and riding the other direction.

     Even though I had just left the Wizard, I had a feeling I would see him again. And I hoped to the gods I was wrong.


    I stood at the lake, the sun was just rising and Mae needed water, so here we are. My senses went off telling me someone was nearby. 

    I grabbed my bow from my bag that was attached to Mae, I armed it with an arrow quickly and I turned and pointed at the person. But, I saw it was that Wizard again...

    "You're following me!" I accused.

     "Technically, I can't follow you. I had to talk to someone at the Inn you were at so I couldn't have followed you. Luckily, you left a trail." The Wizard explained.

     "So, you tracked me," I said glaring at him.

     "Yes," he seemed so proud of himself.

     "What do you want?" I asked as my senses stayed on the high alarm so I didn't put down my bow.

     "Maybe you can lower the bow and we can talk like normal folk." The Wizard suggested it seemed like he chose his choice of words really carefully.

    "Not until I know you're not here to harm me," I said not trusting him.

    "You really don't trust anyone do you?" He asked and I just frowned. "I mean I understand, if my kind were wiped out like yours I'd be on edge too." 

    My eyes widened, did he just... How does he know? 

    "What are you talking about?" I asked trying to dismiss him.

     "You are a Faerie, aren't you? Or do you prefer the name Fae? It's so confusing." The wizard exclaimed as he stood there normally.

    "I don't know what you're talking about," I said as all of my senses told me to shoot at him and get away on Mae.

    "Oh, I think you do," He began to walk towards me slowly, "you are the last of your kind. Royal blood inside of you. Your ancestor was the Queen of the Faes. I had heard that she was a loyal and trusting woman. It's a shame what happened to her. I believe she looked just like you. Almost like you two are twins." He explained. 

     "If you know that, you know that every other kingdom ganged up on her and her people. The Elves, the Dwarves, even the humans, they all played a part in my kind's death." I told him.

     I hadn't noticed how close he was getting until he was right in front of me. "They shouldn't have done what they did. They were just scared. Maybe you can help another family name like yourself not get wiped out like yours." He suggested.

    My senses told me we could trust him, but, I don't know why... But, I do trust my senses. I lowered my bow and I unarmed it. "I'm listening."

    The Wizard smiled at me, "good, there is that Fae spirit I heard so much about." I smiled slightly. "Before I explain, let me introduce myself... I'm Gandalf, the Grey." He put out his hand.

    "I'm... I'm Serena, Serena Fae." I shook his hand.

The Last Fae II The Hobbit IIWhere stories live. Discover now